Disappearance Of Anuja !!!

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"She is gone. She is long gone since this morning. Nobody has seen her. But where could she go??!!" Gunjan asks her husband.

Sashank, her husband, is also worried sick about the wellbeing of his sister. She never disappered in her entire life like this. "How could she do such foolish thing??!!!" He curses himself under his breath.

He never wanted his only child to get married in that notorious Raijada family. But he had to give up before the stubbornness of his daughter and his sister. He is pacing since six am at the morning after receiving this news. He just cannot belief that his sister disappered without saying anything to him.

On the other hand, in the Raijada Mansion, Satyam is concentrating on his next plan. His master plan of killing both father and son had gone all wrong. Shivam had been sent to the hospital but he was realeased too quite immediately after that. Only his hands were slightly injured but not so seriously as he thought could be. His son, Saransh, left completely unharmed in this incident. They even made a story of an angel jumping off to save their skins.

"Foolish jerks these two" Satyam curses his luck once again.

Now they are still alive and kicking and the file is under the custody of that lady who called herself Anuja. He does not want to kill her but he is out of any other plan. He has a soft corner in his heart for her. His heart aches to think of this possibilty but what can he do? He has no other better option left in his hands. After all he has to save his own skin.

He sighs hard and takes another sip of his favourite red wine. Alchohol is burning his inside and stimulating his cunning brain once more.

He is sitting quietly while thinking deep, when his wife with a loud noise barges into the room. He looks quite irritated and makes an angry sound of throat. Satyam does not want to be disturbed now.

"Do you abduct her?" Damayanti asks quiet loudly in excitement. "I thought you will never do it." She claps her both hands repeatedly like a small happy girl.

Her husband looks at her in shock. "Are she going to be insane or something?!!" He thoughts aloud in his mind.

"Who?" He asks reluctantly to her.

"That woman who claimed to be your Anuja." She shows her perfectly white teeths to him by saying with a huff of relief "She disappered."

He looks to her as if he is seeing some ghost. His face becomes pale and he feels sick all of a sudden. "Who is this that defeated him in his own game??!"
He thoughts in mind.

"What??!! Don't you believe me!!!" She asks him again. Her happiness can be seen clearly by even a blind.

Satyam just cannot think anymore. He sanks down loudly on his easy chair with a loudest "Screech" noise.

When at noon time everyone opens their television, then one video appears before all of them. One black Sedan car was chased and hitted by a truck violently. It got smashed from inside and out. In this incident, the car toppled up for several times with great force and eventually exploded aloud in thin air. No person, inside the car, can be left alive by this horrid accident.

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