Saransh Saves Rohan

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It is astonishingly true but when he was realeased from the hospital, Junior Raijada starts to behave totally different from his previous self. Ansh wanted to meet Tania badly. In his life for the first time he started to miss someone so much.

Tania was also fighting her own inner demon. She is now determined that Saransh has been changed and he will take the responsibility of her and her baby. But her parents are not at all listening to her. She is sighing hard while sitting at the balcony. Her belly has grown much so that it can catch anyone's eyes. Hence she takes a leave from her college. She does not want her friends laughing on her.

She sighs hard again while caressing her pregnant baby. She loves to do that absent mindedly.

"I think you have decided out what to do now?"

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"I think you have decided out what to do now?"

Tania turns backward with a jolt by hearing her aunt's voice. She never heard so cold tone of her aunt.

"Aunty.. You surprised me." She puts a hand on her chest while panting hard.

"Do you know, Tania, what is the weight of this?" Anuja produces some glittering golden locket of diamonds and black beads to her. The diamonds are shimmering in clear day light like sparking stars.

"What is it aunty??!!" Tania asks her

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"What is it aunty??!!" Tania asks her.

"The necklace that Raijada men used to put on the lovely neck of their pet women." Anuja smiles a small.

"You mean Mangalsutra??!!!" She asks her timidly while trying to control her breathing. Her pregnancy makes her more vulnarable at such moments.

"Mangalsutra to you, servitude and pain for lifetime to others." She tells her.

Tania looks at her in utter disbelief. "I can't understand you anymore, Buwi (aunty)." She claims.

"Poor girl, now you can't even belief anyone except Saransh." Anuja tells her by lifting her right eyebrows a little as usual.

One the other hand, Saransh is now driving his car towards Tania's home. He feels restless as if he predicts some foul game against his baby. He has to save it at any cost.

When he turns his car towards right, he watches a truck is rushing at fast speed to a motorcycle rider coming from his opposite side. The truck is so fast that it can smash the bike or crash the rider at once. Saransh puts pressure on the gas and the car roars aloud. Without thinking he decides to save that strange biker. He hears the telephonic converstation between his auncle, Satyam with his goons and he can identify the rider without even seeing his face. It is Rohan's bike. He is Saransh's friend and hence he can identify him with ease. Satyam is now planning his murder as he also have some proofs against him.

Saransh pulls his gear to the fourth and stops his car just infront of the rushing truck abruptly with a loudest "Screech" sound. He closes his eyes too tightly and utters only one name that comes into his mind at the very moment "Tania".

After some time when he does not feel any bump or hit, he opens his eyes slowly. He looks at the rushing truck's direction but it is missing. He sighs hard and wipes the sweat from his forehead.

Suddenly someone knocks on his car door. He turns his head towards the direction of the noise with a jolt. The biker is knocking it.

He lowers the door window and looks outside. Rohan pulls out his helmet and lowers his head to him with a curt nod of his head by uttering these words - "Thanks friend".

"Are you sure he has been changed??!! I mean do you believe in his drastic change??!!" Anuja asks Rohan.

He is taken aback. Why does not aunt is trusting Ansh now when he already proves his change of mind??!!

"He saved my life, aunty. If he was not there, that truck would smash me alive. How can't I trust him??!!" He asks her.

Anuja nods her head. She even now does not believe that a spolied brat like Saransh Singh Raijada could be changed too. And that miracle really happened!!! Unbelievable!!!

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