Saransh Attacked By Goon

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"Yes you hear it right, Anu. We have to do something to stop his advances." Gunjan demands from her.

Anuja shakes her head by saying - "In my judgement, we are already late."

"Then?? We can't do anything??" She asks again.

"Who told you so??" Anuja replies.

With long strides she approaches for the door handle and starts to twirl and twist it in both of her hands.

Both Saransh and Tania are horrified to know that someone is already standing at the door.

"Get out. Fast." She cries.

"But how?" He demands to know.

She runs to the door, unlocks the door partially and suddenly realizes that he can't go out through that way. She locks it again and shakes her hands in extreme frustration.

He is standing still at the same place where he was sitting before. That kind of development in his ongoing love story is not unpredictable at all. When the hero enters into the heroine's room at the dead of night, her parents always interfer in their love affairs like this. He was prepared to handle this situation beforehand.

She puts her finger nails in her mouth and at the next moment shakes her hands violently. She looks very cute even like this.

He sighs hard. What a fool he was??!! Why don't he saw her inner beauty before??!!

"Don't just stand there ideally. Do something." She tells him in shaking voice.

He bolts to the window and by reaching it opens it wide to get out. When he ultimately reaches at the balcony, he is petrified to look that the ladder is not there anymore. Instead of that her father's appointed guards are standing tall there.

She also runs after him and this one incident weakens her in knees. She sits down on one of the chairs while shaking hard. "This is the end !!!" Her brain shouts inside.

Suddenly she feels so dizzy and her head spins. She leans on the chair for some time by closing her big eyes while panting hard. She forgets how to breath.

He, in the meantime, decides to go and face the wind. After all they can't kill him. Then why should he be so scared??!!

He sits down besides her and hugs her shoulders tightly. He looks genuinely worried this time. He don't want to loose this baby or her at any cost.

"What happens? Are you alright??!!" He asks her gently.

"I am okay. Just dizzy." She nests her head on his left shoulder and he runs his hands through her wavy hair.

But alas, people are so inconiderate to these two young love birds. The banging on the door, barking of dogs and hounds and the shouting of guards are still reaching their ears. She closes her eyes once more in horror.

"I can't let you go to face them. Dad will kill you." Her face is too pale all of a sudden.

He controls his upcoming urge to kiss her quivering lips and whispers in her ears very softly - "We don't have any option left Tani baby."

"But they will kill you and the baby too." She is shaking like a broken leaf in his tight embrace.

"I don't let them harm you or our baby till my last breath." He promises her.

So hand in hand they approach to the door when it starts to bang once more.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Tani, open the door." Anuja knocks on her door.

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