Another Attack on Saransh & Shivam

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"You two come fast as soon as possible in the office." Some unknown call came at midnight in Shivam's private mobile number.

He does not understand who call him at this hour. He is unaware of how to control the situation.

"What happened there??!!" He starts to scream on the phone.

"What happens? Who is it, Dad?" Saransh is still awake and in senses.

" I don't know." Shivam tells him.

Saransh snatches his father's phone from his hand. "Hello" He shouts too "Who are you? What do you want to tell us?"

"An important file is there locked in the office locker." Someone hisses on the other end of the phone.

"What kind of file?" He asks aloud.

"The same file which took life of DCP Angad and Editor Rawat before." The same person hisses again.

"But who are you? Why the hell you are telling this to us?" Saransh once again demands to know.

"I am your well wisher. I want to give the file to you. Come sharp. You don't have enough time left." He whispers this time.

"Dad, we should not go. It may be a trap." Saransh warns his father but Shivam wants to take a risk.

Both of them rides on their car and takes a leave to their destiny.

In the meantime, two different phone calls are made to two different persons. One to a man and another to a woman.

"Hello" - The man takes the receiver of his private landline.

"Sir, the birds are set for the trap." A man informs him.

"Good, then burn them alive." The man instructs him and gulps his beer in just one grasp.

"Hmm, what is the news?!!"

The woman takes her mobile and asks the man on the exactly other end of the phone.

"They are going to fall into a deadly trap." The man on the other end tells her.

"Okay, then inform the police and SI Jatin." She instructs him.

"Okay. But what will you do?" The man on the other end asks her.

"I will go to the trap." She calmly tells him.

These three calls come to different persons from different persons. The first call comes from a local goon to Shivam and Saransh; the second call comes from another goon to Satyam and the third call comes from Akash to Anuja. All of them are talking about just the same trap that Satyam is now planning to kill his brother, Shivam and his nephew, Saransh and blame them for the killing of DCP Angad, Editor Avimanyu Rawat, Inapector Dibakar and the attempted murder of his son, Rohan.

"I am telling you it is a trap, Dad." His son tries to warn him.

Shivam knows it is a trap and he truly knows it is a suicidal attempt. He just wants to save his son, Ansh.

"Get out of the car, Anshu." He tells his son who is not listening to him.

"At least for the last time in your life, be obedient to me, Son. Please get out of the car." He tries to force him out but Saransh is resisting him hard.

"I am going with you, Dad. I will not let you go to die there alone." He tells his father while struggling.

Both of them reach their destination. Their office of the Raijada Enterprise. While climbing the stairs they are fighting to save each other's life.

When the lift stops at the thirteenth floor of their lavish office, a burning smell comes at both of their nose, but no trace of fire has to be seen in eyes.

Shivam looks at the windows very carefully. They are bolted tightly from insight. He stands tall on the door to guard it and to prevent it to be closed from behind.

Saransh, on the contrary, to the quite dismay of his father, bolts towards the locked cabin of his uncle, opens it with a single kick, dashes into it, opens the safe, snatches the file and rushes back to Shivam within couple of minutes. In those minutes, his father feels too much restless for the security of his son. And when he comes back to him, then only he can catch his breaths once again.

They both rush to the door but it is locked from outside. And the fire starts to take shape. They both gasp in a shock. Then Satyam wants to burn them alive. But why??!!!

Saransh tries to run to the fire, but his father stops him on the track. Shivam rushes to the fire and tries to open the fire extingusher from the closed glass cabinet just next to the fire in vain. His son runs to help him. He lifts his right leg and kicks on the glass cabin so hard that it smashes in an instant. Both of them put the fire extingusher down to the floor and opens it to spray on the firesight. But they find it totally empty!!!!

"Now what to do, Dad??!!" Saransh asks his father aloud.

"I don't know. I just don't know, Son." Shivam nods his head in despair. The smoke is burning his chest and makes his eyes so much moist that he cannot see anything clearly now.

The damp and hotness of the air is incrrasing with every running second. Even an energetic boy like Saransh is huffing and panting hard. Shivam knows that the oxygen is decreasing. Both of them in this rate cannot even survive for fifteen more minutes. So he decides to save his son at any cost.
He rushes to the nearest window and tries to open it in vain. The window is shut too tightly. He punches both of his knuckles and elbow to break the hard glass on it.

Suddenly Saransh turns towards the door with a jolt by hearing a slightest noise. Someone is opening the door from behind. He tiptoes to the door and pulls the person who opens the door and peeps slightly into the burning room with force. An electric shock as if runs through his vein and he pulls his hands to himself all of a sudden by realizing that It is a woman's soft hand. A woman??!!! Here??!!

The woman, whose hand Saransh pulled just a second ago, looks at him in annoying face and shouts aloud "Get out at once."

Without thinking much he bolts to the door but stops in his track. He cannot leave his father in burning danger.

The woman, at that moment, reaches to Shivam and tugs his left hand with great force and with a scared face tells him to come out too.

Shivam lifts his moisted eyes towards her face and smiles gently by uttering her name - "Shivangi."

The woman stops dead at her track. Even Saransh looks at shock towards her. Is he dreaming or really his own mother for the first time in his life comes to save him???!!

Shivam, before losing his remaining consciousness due to extreme blood loss from his hands wound (he just injured his elbows and knuckles of both hands badly) whispers only one sentence clearly -

"I know someday you will definitely come."

Anuja blushes hard and touches his shoulders while he collapses down on the hard white marble ground of his burning office floor.

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