Shivam confronts Dibakar

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He is following that man since he came out of the hospital. Now he is driving through the busy London road. His control over steering proves that he is actaully a very cautious driver. Mohan is sitting beside him without uttering a single word. He had made a phone call from the public phone booth to the airport. Now he is quite restful. Nothing to worry about not anymore.

But his childhood friend fails to share his composure. Shivam is feeling restless. At least until he confronts the man he is following. That man in a very composed manner drives through Carnaby Street. Let's see where he is going. Shivam's hands are stiff in cold and hunger but he knows there is no time to loose this man before him. The other driver is not stoping at Carnaby. He is driving through the busy Carnaby Street of Soho district with ease. His destination must be somewhere else. He turns his car towards the most familiar road of Shivam's life. Oxford Road.

He is driving fast in Oxford Road. Shivam also put pressure on axelator. He could not afford to loose this man. He is searching something. He is talking with any passerby. Shivam also stops his car under the shade of a nearest petrol pump. What is he searching for? Suddenly the other man puts pressure on axelator and drives away. Shivam also does the same. The other man stops in front of a hotel. Z hotel of Tottenham Court Road. He comes out of his car and closes the car door. Shivam follows him in tiptoes. At least he tries not to make any noise. Any unwanted noise will make the other man alert and conscious about his presence. He is following him with such interest that he fails to notice that his friend Mohan vanishes inside a telephone booth at the lavish lobby of the hotel to make a phone call to someone.

The man stands before a room and opens the door. But before closing it properly Shivam forcefully enters into the room. With a loud bang the door closes. The other man, inspector Dibakar, looks at Shivam with urmost interest. He seems amazed, but not at all surprised as if he guessed this would happen at any time.

Dibakar nests his eyes on Shivam without blinking his eyelashes.

"Why you lie to me?" Shivam is super fast in qustioning.

"Why you are following me? Why you enter into my room forcefully?" Dibakar is not loosing his temper. "Kindly get out. Unless I will call for the hotel security." He lifts the intercom to call the hotel management person on the reception desk.

Shivam suddenly jumps over him. Dibakar is not concentrating on his movement at this time and he takes the opportunity. They roll over the bed by clutching each other. All of a sudden with a thud noise Dibakar pushes Shivam hard. He could not resist and falls backward. In the next moment he jumps over Dibakar once more. But this time Dibakar is not unarmed. He takes out his revolver from his hip picket. Shivam tries to snatch it out of Dibakar's hand. They are struggling hard. Both panting they start to roll over each other once more. This time Shivam pushes Dibakar and he falls on the couch. When he tries to lift himself from the couch, all of the sudden the room door opens and three bulets are fired. Only within the second the room is filled up with gun smoke and Dibakar is seen clutching his heart tightly with his left hand.

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