Destination Dr. Cooper

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         ........Sivangi met him...........

Dr. Cooper is not in agreement with his patient. To terminate pregnancy nearly 6 months old is highly risky. It may cause to loose his patient's life as well as his medical license. And an experienced medical practitioner like him is not ready to take such chance.

Sivangi tries every possible thing to lure him but he is adamant. Like Sashank he also advocates to continue this pregnancy. But what could she do now? She hates this burden of unwanted motherhood and wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. But nothing doing. She sighs in deep frustrution.

She feels symapthy towatds the baby too. The baby growing inside her is unknown about the outer world. It is unknown about its father's wrong-doing or his mother's deep hatred towards it. It seems happy. It sleeps, moves and sometimes tries to kick too. Even though it is still under-developed but it at least kicks to prove its existence whenever she tries to ignore it. She now does not show any sign of morning sickness as she is in end term of her second trimester. But surely this child is a problem child from day one and most infuriating thing is that it enjoys that.

She suddenly breaths heavily. She is now feeling that she could no longer control her breathing. Dr. Cooper seems worried. He calls for Sashank. All of a sudden everything goes dark in front of her eyes and she collapses.

               ..... Shivam met him .......

Mohan accompanies his friend in his journey till now but he is worried. He wants to know the whole story that his friend kept secret from him. Who is this girl? Why he is so much smitten by her or infatuated with her? Shivam was a notorious playboy since his college days and he sincerely enjoyed that role. Several girls were dying on his good look and luxurious life-style. He never noticed them. Only once he got involved with a girl who even bought a molestation charge against him. A very ordinary looking girl whose face Mohan fails to remember now. What was her name? He suddenly recalls the name. Sivangi. Sivangi Mathur.

When Mohan is reflecting over past memories, his friend Shivam is talking with Dr. Cooper at the same time. He is trying to convince him to get Sivangi's address.

"No, no. I don't know any such girl." Dr. Cooper is reluctatant to admit.

"Please doctor. It's life or death situation." He begs to the doctor.

"Listen, young man, I don't have any patient in that name." Dr. Cooper's sternness seems harsh.

"How could it be possible?" He demands to know.

"I don't know. If you don't believe me kindly go and check the register. You will find yourself." Doctor is not interested to entertain him any more and calls for the next patient.

Shivam comes out of doctor's room with despair. He has come so far to meet her. How could he go back empty-handed? How could he?

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