Satyam, The Mastermind

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Satyam Singh Raijada nods his head in satisfaction. The story is going as he planned. Shivam, the emotional fool brother of him, had done the same thing as Satyam expected from him.

"This is the high time. Get rid of him." He instructed someone on phone. From the other end someone starts to protest but Satyam is not bulging.

"If you need the money, you have to do what I said to you." He speaks grumpily and puts down the receiver with a loud noise.

Another phone call comes and the phone starts to ring.

B.E.E.P. Beep. Beep.

Satyam receives that call too. When he utters "Hello" the man from other end says something. He smiles on phone. His bright teeths sparkle on dim light of the hotel room.

"Good" He toned down his voice in a whispering mode "Keep a constant eye on him. When he finishes his task, keep your truck ready. You need not to leave him alive. Run down him by your truck. But beware, it must look like an accident. A mere hit and run case. Nothing more."

The other end perhaps agrees with him, because once again we see him smiling. A cunning smile suitable only a ruthless mastermind like him.

Mrs. Raijada

"Are you sure? How could you claim her as your wife? You are not even married." Sashank asks Shivam.

Shivam looks at him in teary eyes. He looks broken and tired. He gasped in the next minute.

The dead body has been dragged out from the room and is being shifted to the morgue.

Gunjan asked Shivangi what to do now. She agreed to play dead in front of Shivam for one last time.

He slowly comes near the body on the trolley. Shashank tries to warn him but just one assured look from Gunjan stops him in his track. He also wants to see how and where the drama goes.

Shivam lifts the cover. Shivangi is lying on the trolley by holding her breath once more. Sashank controls his surprise just by lifting his right eye brow. It is his signature style. Gunjan stands still by holding her breath and praying hard near the trolley.

Shivam pulls out a knife from pocket. Sashank and Gunjan both gasp in shock.

"What are you doing?" Sashank runs to him by protesting aloud.

Shivam, in an instance, cuts his thumb with knife and lefts a mark on Shivangi's forehead with pouring blood from his hand. By lifting his tired eyes to Sashank, he smiles a little and utters -

"Doctor, now we are married."

Gunjan stares hard on his face. She suddenly remembers Dibakar vaiya's warning. "Shivam, a man with many faces and thousands secrets." He was right in his anlysis. This man is truly, standing in front of her and crying his heart out for the girl whom he raped some nine months ago, eirher the world's greatest actor or a genuinely tormented lover. What is his true identity, perhaps only he knows. None else.

Sashank also seems in trance but after some time he breaks free. He has to think about it later. This is the time of action.

He indicates the nurse to bring the child out. She obeys him. When the nurse brings the baby to them, he gives it on Shivam's lap. It giggles happily. It seems to identify his own father. "Blood calls blood" Sashank sighs.

Shivam holds the baby tightly in his chest and kisses his face feverishly. This tiny baby is his own. His own flesh and blood. His own son. He feels complete. He feels like walking on cloud nine. He kisses on its soft lips and the baby giggles more.

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