Sashank Rules The Scene

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"Hello, Mr. Raijada. So good to see you again."

Gunjan turns back with a jolt by listening her husband's voice from behind. He is standing at the door with a big smile in face. As if he expected this intusion from the first.

For the first time in her life Gunjan fails to understand what is her part in this drama

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For the first time in her life Gunjan fails to understand what is her part in this drama. She feels like a fool who forgets her role in the middle and stands by opening her mouth agape.

"I am expecting you here." Sashank tells him confidently.

The man in front of him looks in teary eyes to him. "I just..." He stops talking abruptly.

"I what?" Sashank asks him politely to complete his sentence

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"I what?" Sashank asks him politely to complete his sentence.

"I just want to save her. Believe me." Replies the notorious playboy Shivam Singh Raijada.

Sashank, without uttering another single word, pats on his right shoulder to comfort him.

"You should wait outside. You are not allowed here. Please." He instructs.

"But" Shivam opens his mouth in protest but by seeing the stern face of Sashank stops at once. He comes out of the room slowly and leans over the door.

"Come Gungun (Gunjan's petname, given by and known only to Sashank). We have no more time to loose."

With a jolt Gunjan comes back to life. She sprints towards the bed to assist him. In any operation an injecting ansthateia is must. So her role is going to be vital here too.

       ........Operation Successful.........

The operation goes on for three hours. It becomes sucessful. Before coming out of the ICU 2, Dr. Cooper stretches his right hand to Sashank to wish him.

"Congrats, Dr." He says that in a cheerful voice.

"Thank you and same to you." In the similar cheerful manner Sashank replies him.

After Dr. Cooper goes out of the room, he tugs his wife's left arm by saying -

"We have to give him the false news."

"Whom? What news?" She asks in surprised voice.

"Shivam. We have to give him the false news of Shivangi's death. Once more." He simply states the fact in emotionless voice.

"What? Why?" She is taken aback.

"Listen, Gungun, if Shivam is here Satyam must not be far behind. Shivam knows that Shivangi is still alive. That means Satyam also knows the same thing. To save her life, we have to tell lie once more." He explains superbly.

Gunjan understands the motive but fails to understand the process. In what way they can declare a living girl as a dead one?

Her husband, seeing her confusion, explains once more -"Look she is under the trance. Anesthesia works for at least some hours. We just make him believe that she is dying and she needs blood. When he will come back after some time we will move her out of the hospital premise safely without drawing any unwanted attention. Then we can declare that she is dead with ease."

"If he suspect us?" She asks him.

"He cant. We will not give him the news." He replies.

"Then who?" She asks once again.

"Dr. Cooper himself." He replies again.

Gunjan is satisfied now. Nobody will ever doubt that an emminent doctor like Dr. Cooper can tell lie to anybody. Hmm, a master plan indeed. Suddenly she remembers another valid question -

"But if he wants to see her dead body to bid her goodbye for last time?"   

"He will be shown another one. Cover will not be removed from the face, hence he will not know. Dont worry. I and Dr. Cooper already have planned everything." He replies confidently.

"Okay" She just shrugs her shoulder. As a soldier of this fight she has to follow her commander. She is bound to do that.

          ............Massive Blow.......

Shivam is waiting outside of the ICU. He is impatient to know the result. He knows every second is too important now. Why the hell they shove him outside? In many hospitals spouses are allowed inside. Then why not him?

Someone suddenly puts his hand on his left shoulder from aside. Shivam stiffens for a second or two before turning back. It is Sashank who puts his hand on his shoulder.

"I am sorry Mr. Raijada."

This is surely a fatal blow to him. And his entite world collapses before his own eyes.

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