A Storm is coming fast in horizone

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Satyam Singh Raijada looks unusually thoughtful. Shivam's sudden disappearance makes him worried. Perhaps he has reach towards its destination even before Satyam. That means only one thing. Satyam's worst nightmare is true. Sivangi Marhur is alive. Till now.

"Hmmm..." He is deep in thought. Dibakar flied towards London. Satyam checked the passenger list to confirm it. Why? To warn someone perhaps? Who? Sashank? Gunjan? Or Sivangi?

"Sir, we are landing." Flight attendant of his private jet declares that with a broad smile on her face.

"Hmm... Oh. Thank you miss." Satyam comes out of his day dreaming mode with a sudden jolt. He has to execute his plan as soon as possible. He has not much time left to loose.

Dibakar met Sashank

"Are you positive?" Sashank asks his friend with doubt. He seems uncertain about what to do.

"Certain" Dibakar claims.

"Hmm, let me think about it." Sashank rubs his chin. It is the signature style of him which means he is concentrating on something.

"We have no time left to think, dear." His wife warns him.

Dibakar nods his head in agreement. Sivangi, resting her back on the bedrest of the hodpital bed with difficulty, listens their conversations with utmost interest. She also wants to understand the situation.

"What to do now?" Gunjan demmands to know at once.

"Hmm.." Sashank is not replying at all. He is thinking all the chances to get out of the situation. He has to save his sinking ship as a captain. It is his responsibility. He has to do it. He must.

Shivam in denial mode

"I don't think Dr. Sashank is telling truth to us." He tells to his friend.

"Why? I checked everywhere. Anuja Doshi is present everywhere. Even at the Indian Ambassy this name is registered, not the other one. I mean I did not find any entry in the name of Sivangi Mathur anywhere." Mohan gives proof of his knoweldge on this situation.

But his friend is not convinced. His heart tells him Sivangi is alive. He had seen her. With his own two eyes. Yes, his gut feeling is right. She must be alive. Under disguise. In any other name. With another identity. Sashank must be lying to him. He should.

Suddenly he notices some very familiar person coming out of the hospital. He is also working towards the parking lot standing where Shivam is talking with Mohan. Now Shivam got the clue of what to do. Just he has to follow him.

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