Sashank is going away

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Dibakar tells everything to Sashank. He needs another head to consult about the next game plan. Dibakar has enermous faith on the cool brain of his childhood friend. He knows that in the war of justice Sashank has every capability to lead it and he is the best "Senapati"(commander) one could have in this ongoing war.

Sashank: Hmmm...

Dibakar: What do you think? What is
Satyam upto now?

Sashank: Hmmm...

Dibakar becomes frusturted to hear nothing except "Hmmm" from his best friend. What is he thinking? Why he is so deep in thought?

Dibakar clears his throat to draw attention of his friend. But his effort is beyond fruitful. Sashank, nesting his chin over his right palm, is leaning on his work table. He simply is in deep thought. Dibakar knows its meaning. Something important that misses his eyes could not miss the keen eyes of Sashank. But what essential information he misses? He is like Dr. Watson to Sashank whose sharp intellect makes him closer to Sherlock Holmes. Just like Watson he is waiting patiently for Holmes to narrate the whole story to him.

Sashank at last breaks silence and declares -

"We should be worried of both the brothers."

Dibakar is taken aback. Satyam is a strong competitor and they have every right to be warned of him, but why Sivam? Sivam seems no threat to him.

Sashank, by understanding his friend's mental dilemma, smiles softly and claims - "You are making a hurried decision Dibakar. Don't forget the whole story starts with Sivam and his desire for Sivangi. He seems sad, disturbed, devasted and even heart-broken to you, but I think it is his disguise. He is planning to play this role now onwards. And he is sucessful in deceiving you beautifully."

Dibakar is not convinced. Something is amiss. He does not think Sivam is a bad man from heart, but he just could not accept Sivam's wrongdoings. He, as a just man himself, could not stand injustice. Rape is that highest kind of crime that shatters a girl's dreams, destoys her dignity, self-confidence and lefts a scar on her mind, body and soul for life-time. He simply could not tolerate that. He is not in favour of forgiving a rapist. But after meeting Sivam he could not think him as a culprit. Simply could not. He is missing some point. He needs some more time to decide.

According to their plan, Sashank is going away in next week. He resigned from his job at hospital and got a post-doctorate reaserch assistant job in London School of Tropical Medicine. His wife Gunjan resigned beforehand. She also secured another post doctorate job in Ireland. She and Sivangi are living there as paying guests in a village just two km away from Dublin, capital of Ireland. He has to be with them as early as possible. In abroad two girls are waiting eagerly for his arrival. He will go to Britain from there after staying with them for three weeks. In the meanwhile he has to talk with Dr. Cooper about Sivangi's case. Sivangi does not want this child. She wants to abort it. But because of that wretched legal case she was bound to carry on. Sashank knows, as a gynecologist and child specialist, now its too late. But he has to consult with world's number one gynaecologist Dr. Cooper and take his advice.

Dibakar has decided to play dumb as usual. He has an important role to play. He has to relay all the necessary information to Sashank. He has to watch on every movements of the Raijada brothers like a hawk. He has to play as a middle man...

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