Shivam To Meet Principal

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Shivam Singh Raijada sits restlessly on his favorite big Sedan car. He does not believe at all in his own eyes. How could it happen? He recognises her instantly. That woman is not Anuja, but Shivangi herself. He can recognise her even with closed eyes.

But he fails to understand why she is using the fake identity? Who is that Anuja Doshi (Shivam never meets Anuja)? And what is her struggle with Saransh? Is Saransh really going to shoot her?

He is deep in his thought, when his secretary, Akash rushes to him and tells him panting - "Sir, Sir, Principal madam is calling you. She wants to meet you at once in this regard."

Shivam looks at Akash with utter disbelief. He knows pwrfectly that such situation can arise at any time, but he never expects it to happen so soon. He clears his throat and makes a strange sound which shows his disgust. He indicates him to wait for him outside of the car and with long strides reaches the Principal's office. But a surprise waits for him at the door. He notices his brother, Satyam, is coming out of the door. He looks at his elder brother with question in eyes, who in reply just smarks triumphantly -

"Don't worry Shiv, she is not going to expel your son."

By telling this Satyam practically runs out of the scene. Shivam stands there motionless while frawning hard.

After some time he knocks politely on the door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

No response. He knocks again, this time more loudly.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

No response again. He seems to be quite puzzled in this situation, when Mr. Bedi rushes towards him with an apologetic look on face - "I am so sorry Sir, but madam has just left."

Shivam Singh Raijada now feels totally clueless to the situation. What he has to do now? With difficulty he asks Mr. Bedi - "Excuse me, could you tell me whether Saransh is really expelled from the college?"

Mr. Bedi nods his head once more looking more apologetic. "I don't think Madam will spare him after this outburst. You know, he could seriously hurt someone." With tuth, tuth sounds from tongue he looks more remorse than ever.

Shivam nods to him and takes his leave. He understand now this quite well that this woman, whoever she is, is not at all interested to meet him in person. Perhaps she is enjoying his embarrassment. It is just like a game to her. He shrugs his shoulders in despair. Till now all tried to play with without understanding his agony. He has always been used by others.

But if he turns his face backward, he will notice that leaning on the washroom wall, someone is watching his every movement like a hawk. She seems satisfied, but not happy. Her revenge has just begun.

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