Attack & Counter Attack

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This is the high time of game. Satyam wants to mold the flow in his favor. Hence the very next day he calls for a press conference to clear the confusion about his own involvment in the rape case of Saransh.

"Ladies and gentlemen" by folding his two hands together in a namaste style Satyam delivers his lecture in a highly theatrical style with sad voice -

"It is sad news that I heard from others that I am trying to influence the investigation of the rape case in my favor. I, as your lawful and just servent (???!!!) and the honorable Home Minister of the state of Bikaner will die in shame to do that (Really Satyam??!!). This is a shame that two young People's love affair has been produced in the devastating form of this rape charge. I enquired about it and find out that Saransh's demand is absolutely right. These two are madly in love but her parents are not ready to accept their relationship. Hence her parents send my innocent (??!!!) nephew to jail to avenge their own humiltation. I request to them please stop this nonsense and kindly talk to us. We are ready to accept the girl as the 'Bahu' (daughter-in-law) of our prestigious Raijada family."

A wave of shock flows in the room. The room becomes uncannily silent. All the reporters are now in dilemma - then is the rape charge truly false or is it another game of an experienced politician??!!

Shivam and Damayanti are sitted beside him. Damayanti on left and his brother, Shivam on right. To hear this sudden announcement both of them look shocked. Damayanti even tries to open her mouth in protest but Satyam stops her by tugging her hands beneath the table. She, being his long time crime partner, understands the signal and stops abruptly. Shivam, on the contrary, looks inquisitively to his brother, without uttering a single word. He knows his brother's cunning mind has no limit. So even if he will never accept the girl as a part of their estemeed family, but he can cry on camera by uttering the same thing to gain sympathy vote from masses.

"Are you really meaning this, Sir?" A young journalist shouts from far.

"Of course, by all means. I am very positive about that. I never want to separate two love birds. Love is truly beautiful and the agony of loosing one's lover is dreadful. Even I am a victim of it once." Satyam wipes his tears on his silk handkerchief.

Damayanti makes a pouty face at the mention of Anuja from the mouth of her husband.

"Madam" Some reporter addresses her "would you like to share your view point?"

She suddenly puts on her mask and in a sorrowful voice by looking at her husbands claims -

"I am with him. He is so very right. As a true wife I will help him to unite these two young people. I pray to God for their union."

A wave of appreciation flows on the room. All look quite satisfied except one Shivam. He knows that this war is not going to end so soon.

At the prison cell by hearing about the recent development Saransh is grinning tooth to tooth. He knows very well his uncle and aunt are bluffing but this they have to support him, even unwillingly. Politics is an ugly game and even at the age of 23 Saransh becomes master in it.

By seeing this live telecast Sashank feels restless and he starts to roam on his lawn from one side to another. Anuja and Gunjan, by sitting on their respective chairs, follow his each and every movement with eyes.

Suddenly Gunjan asks them - "Now what to do??!!"

"Nothing" With a sigh Anuja replies.

"What??!! But why??!!" She asks her.

"I have a bad news. Saransh will be acquitted soon. The Judge has grant him a bail till the starting of the legal case." Anuja delivers the shocking news to all.

Sashank stops pacing and looks to his sister. He suddenly realizes she is not so sad as she looks. It means she has a definite plan on her mind.

The very next day Saransh gets out of the jail as Anuja told earlier. A group of young men and women gathers around him and with clapping and chearing on his name he is received by them.

Damayanti has played her part well." Seated on a black Sedan car Sashank tells this to Anuja who is sitting beside him.

"Don't worry, vai (brother). We will play our part well too." She pats his shoulder.

That day is unusually happy, cheerful and full of celebration for the great Raijadas, but not the next day. From the morning since 7, several women protestors gather around their manor and shouted Slogans against Saransh.
They shout in a chorus -

Saransh Singh Raijada Go To Hell

Newspapers do not want to miss such chance so a flock of reportes also gather around them. Within a hour, Raijada Manor is full of protestors and reporters.

"Shoot stones at him whenever he comes out. But mind it, I want him to be injured, not dead. He should not be martyr in love, understand??" Anuja instructs some men hiding behind women protestors in phone.

Akash is quietly listening to her. Is she really going to do that - he is thinking in mind.

She hangs up the call and smiles at him. Her smile has the charm which can enlighten any gloomy face. Akash also feels ashamed to doubt her capability.

"Those women are sent by Damayanti in the disguise of my NGO. She did that in the hope that Saransh in rage will take avenge on us once more. But I play the same game. I send some men to hurt him." She explains.

'But does not they blame your NGO for that?" He asks her.

"No, they can't. Beacuse now all the female members are giving necessary equipments to the drought infected area of Jodhpur infront of National Television, DD News." She claims calmly.

He is in awe. This woman and her throughly calculative brain are something else. She should be the commander of their battle, instead of her brother.

"Now, just wait for the explosion." She crosses her legs happily by saying this.

Saransh takes the golden opportunity to draw symapthy. After all he is the true heir of Raijada dynasty. He comes hopping infront of the raged masses and folded his arms before them in a pleading mode -

"Please, please, listen to me. Guys please listen to me."

All of a sudden several stones come flying in his direction and one of them hits on his head. Blood starts to pour down instantly and soaks his white shirt with blood stains. His vision is blurred by blood but he maintains his calm and continues to plead with the masses.

The breaking news of that evening on every news channel is in storm with a sensational new news update -

Saransh Singh Raijada is a Nice Guy

Saransh Retains Cool Even When Injured

Saransh is Falsely Accused

"Do you think it will make us strong?" Gunjan asks Anuja.

"No, it will enhance his side. But I take my revenge." Anuja hams happily a famous Bollywood song.

Gunjan looks at shock to her. All of a sudden she does not understand Anu anymore.

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