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"That darn fool".. He is cursing his yonger brother, Shivam, months after months since that day. Even now he is not paying any attention to his advice. That fool. That stupid fool. Never listen to him. Never care for the family. He got the same spoilt nature from their father, except the taste.
Their father's taste in women was exquisite unlike his youngest spawn. Young and hot blood of Shivam always make him hot-head and prone to silly mistakes. He is always a black sheep of the family. Their elder brother, Saksham, was the ideal son every parent ever dreamt of. Loyal, caring and loving. Alas, he is no more.

 Alas, he is no more

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"Shivam.. You fool" Satyam curses his brother for another time. But in mind. He always does that. It's his nature. Satyam is a sweet-talker and for that most people fails to notice his cunningly intelligent mind. However, Shivam should not make such foolish mistake. And even if he did that out of sheer foolishness, he should not left her alive. He should not. For his own sake. He despises the fact that his brother is in love with her. He should not lost his head over that middle-class girl. He fails to understand what this foolish brother of his sees in that simple 'Behenji' type classless dame. "Idiot", Satyam curses again.

Most of all he is cursing his own fate

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Most of all he is cursing his own fate. If everything is okay, then he could be appointed as the Home Minister of this state in near future. And this foolish brother of his has to do this just in this nick of time. He curses again.

He has to suppress this legal case at any cost. This is a question of saving his family prestige, his political career and his royal upbringing. His royal blood is calling him. He could not stand this social disgrace. He does not want to be a laughing talk among the society. His social prestige as well as his own political career are in stake. In the political rallies, in the club, in the functions and social gatherings evwrywhere people are talking about his family. Even the Chief Minister of the State called for him today to warn him. You could not blame Him. He, as the Chief Minister of the State, has to show himself party clean from any kind of controversy and corruption. Any such controversy could badly influence peoples' mind against the party and it could ruin his chance to win in next election. Hence Satyam could not rest himself till he restores his peace of mind at any cost.

Till now no one could ever gather any courage to challenge him, his political connctions and his family so openly. No one could draw him to the court. No one could openly thow a challenge to him and his brother. This girl has guts. Yes, this girl surely has guts. He is convinced now.

But what a poor girl could do when she has left no evidence in her favour? He smiles. He smiles to appreciate his own cunningness of mind. He smiles his own signature sinister smile that converts his extremely handsome face into that of a monster.

Then he takes the receiver of his landline phone and dials the private number to instruct someone -

"Do all the possible things to stop her. And if she does not, then show her no mercy".

He hangs up the call and smiles that sinister smile again. He has to win. He has to win at any cost. Even at the cost of her death...

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