Spent Another Steamy Night Together

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"I want to tell you something" He whispers softly on her ears. "I love you. Very much. "

"Ummm" She is not at all in the mood of listening. After consuming her drinks, (she drank five big glasses of cold beer) she loses her senses and is not attentive to anything. She feels too hot. Too hot all of a sudden. So she starts undressing herself. She tosses down her shirt and kicks her pants with her right leg. It topples on the nearest easy chair barring the CCTV camera hidden inside it. She tries to pull out her bra when he stops her. Taking much long time he kisses her right side of neck and shoulder pad seductively.

She purrs like a happy cat

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She purrs like a happy cat. Her skin feels too much happy by this soft touch of his lips on it.

He turns her to face him and by tugging her chin towards himself he kisses on her lips. At first sweetly and gently and then with more passion and hunger. She opens her mouth more and he inserts his whole tongue inside it.

"Umm it feels heavenly." Her brain shouts inside.

They both lose count of time

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They both lose count of time. After several minute he goes to the washroom for a minute and comes out in just a towel around his waist. He looks god damn sexy in this way.

She wshistles in her mind and swiftly covers herself inside a blanket

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She wshistles in her mind and swiftly covers herself inside a blanket. He, by lifting the blanket cover with his hands, gently enters into the blanket and presses his warm body on her. A chill of desire starts to run down her vein. She cluches him tightly in his arms. He starts nibbling her chest area way too softly. In an instance her nipples within the bra stands out straight in anticipation.

He tugs one strap of her bra in his own right hand which comes out immediately. Her left nipple emerges under it. He nibbles, carresses and then bites it happily. He seems to be playing with her body. While doing so, he keeps squeezing and messaging her right one simutaneously in another hand.

She seems to be burning alive in the fire of extreme passion and desire. To stop herself, she pulls one side of the pillow over her mouth and moans in a low voice - "Ummmm.. Ugghh.. Ufff.. My god... Ouchhh".

He slaps hard on her left breast for several times and the nipples stands erect by those slappings. He then concentrate on sucking and biting it hard. He puts so much pressure on it that the upper portion of her body bends down with every sucking movement of his. She can't control herself and clutches the bedsheet under her with right hand while with her right hand she helds tightly the bedpost. Her eyes starts to get teary with it and she tries to hard not to moan aloud.

He seems not at all satisfied with her reactions. He runs out of the room hurriedly, fetches some ice cubes and puts them on both of her growing breasts (now red and sore) and on her belly buttons. The ice starts melting down and the chilliness on her breasts makes her sore breasts to heal internally. However the reaction of the same ice on her naval is totally opposite. The melting of ice cubes inside her belly buttons makes her hotter to the core. She starts panting hard in excitement.

He is as if waiting for this moment. He inserts his own thumb deeply inside her core with a force and in the next second by pulling it out licks it more seductively with his tongue. He does it several times. Every thrusting feels like claiming her life and she seems to burst open.

"Aaahhh... Aauu.. Ouuchhh... Ufff "

She moans aloud and pulls her own hair in passion. He leans over her, positions himself on her and with a great force inserts himself inside her. With a gawk sound her eyes seems to pop out of her eye sockets. Her upper side of the body bends down towards him while her legs starts to tremble violently. He crosses her legs around his own waistline inside the blanket and that increases the intensity and speed of the intercourse much more than before. His dick enters so deep in her core that it throbs hard. His penise starts to eject greatly inside her and violenltly roams inside the walls of it. The great intensity of their mating is shaking violently the bed and his hot nibbles all over her bare skin takes her breath away. He also sometimes tickles her to death. This pleasure and pain situation first comes in her life.

She can't tolerate this kind of torurture anymore. She seems on the verge of losing her consciousness.

"Ummm.. Baby.. Be gentle on mee.. This is my first timeeee... Don't be so roughh" She pleads with him but can't tell it loudly as he is also claiming her mouth with his own.

He comes out of her in a hurry and in the next few minute he thrusts himself completely inside her and starts to dance within her with great force. The bed starts to creak violently beneath them to cope up with the pressure. She starts to pant, huff and stammer and then scream aloud by clutching his shoulders more tighrly and digging her nails on his flesh -

"Aaahhhh... Uhhhhh... Aarrghhhh... Ouuuchhh... I am comingg... I amm comminggg."

Within a few minute she reaches her first climax of the day. But he is still unsatisfied. He thrusts himself more and more inside her with double to triple speed which makes his mate to scream aloud every time on the top of her lungs. His intensity is fierce, his hunger is quite insatiable and his intercourse session can tire any girl. So after some time his mate becomes unconscious as she can't cope up with him. He does this for more than twenty times with her before barking "Aaaaahhh" in a satisfied way and reaching his own climax.

He lifts the cover from them and watches her naked body with interest. Then with a happy grin on face, he starts to lick every bite marks he gave her. After that he sucks both of her breasts happily. He tugs, pulls them and play with them more. He squeezes both of them hard with his hands several times. Then by stretching her legs apart, enters into her most sensitive area once more and starts to stroke his manhood happily with both of his hands. The ejections are so great that they can be seen even in through the lenses of the CCTV Camera.

Akash sits quietly by lowering his head. He feels ashamed. He feels like he mistakenly switch on any adult fim on the TV. His burning ears and cheeks give proof of it. He does not want Anuja to see this.

But to his dismay, Anuja notices his shame and pats gently on his shoulder - "Why are you soo ashamed, Vaiya?"

He does not answer to her. What can he say??

She stops the video and instructs him - "Record every juicy details. We need them to use it against him."

Akash looks at her in awe.

She smiles gently at him - "Don't be so bewildered, Vaiya (brother). This will be enough evidence to issue an arrest warrant against our precious Junior Raijada."

"On what charge??" He stammers but asks her a valid question.

"Rape charge." She answers simply but that simple answer is not at all so simple in nature. It has a great impact on determining the future course of this ongoing struggle between justice and injustice.

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