Arrest Of Satyam & Damayanti

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"I came for both of you. You too are true partners in crime, even if not a good example of life partners." Jatin bows theatrically at Satyam and then at Damayanti who are sitting ideally in their lavish lawn and sipping their respective drinks.

Satyam asks him - "Do you need something, officer?"

"Yes" Jatin produces a crumpled letter from his inner pocket and gives it to Satyam.

He takes it and with interest starts to read it aloud.

I, Anuja Doshi, in my perfectly abled mind and conscuoisness, am writing this letter. I have received many death threats on the behalf of the Raijada family. Satyam Singh Raijada and his wife, Damayanti, tried to kill me before and they threatened to kill me now too. I am too scared for my life and asking for your help.

Satyam throws the letter in anger to Jatin's face. "What kind of joke, it is???!!!" He demands to know.

Damayanti is too calm even in this dire situation. She lifts her tea cup to her lips and after taking a lengthy sip of enjoyment, asks him -

"Inspector, does this meaningless letter really seems so much important to you that you rush to burge into our pieceful life in such a way?!!"

Jatin lifts his eyes in appreciation. He knows perfectly that she is also his tough enemy. Now he admires her calmness of mind.

"I am sorry but I have been instructed to do so, Madam." He seems timid in his response while inside he is totally opposite of that.

"By whom? Who has the guts to order you??" Satyam asks again. His loud voice rings in the air.

Jatin too timidly replies with a little stammering - "The Chief Minister".

"What??!!" Both husband and wife are in shock.

"Yes, Sir. The letter is addressed to our Honorable Chief Minister of the State and he permitted me for your arrest."
Jatin lowers his head not in shame, but to control his laugh.

He does feel very happy to see them bewildered like this. But for this he had to jump many hardles. It was an easy job to get a letter from Anuja as it was according to her plan too. Then after the incident, Jatin had to run from here and there to issue the arrest warrant in the name of Satyam and Damayanti. At last the Honorable Chief Minister of the State of Bikaner, Mr. Satyendra Prakash Singh Chouhan, became convinced to issue the warrant. But for this he needed ample helps from Rohan, Sashank and even from Akash. But he feels now that his endeavour is sucessful as they cannot escape their destiny now. All of a sudden, a sweet tone of laughing breaks his daydreams.

"Officer, how do you intend to prove that we are the culprits? This letter has no indication that we killed her."

Jatin admires Damaayanti's cool and sofisticated debonair attitude in mind. This woman is not only cunning and ruthless, but also sharply intelligent too.

Jatin now clears his throat somewhat unnecessarily and says calmly -

"I don't prove anything, Madam. But one of your hunchman do."

SI Joshi produces handcuffed Ratan Singh, Satyam's right hand man in his every violence. Ratan Singh stands there tall looking sternly to Satyam.

"Ratan, tell them everything." Jatin instructs him.

"I have hired the truck driver to crush her car. Hukum (Boss) had instructed me to do that."

Ratan Singh tells that without breaking the eye contacts.

Satyam jumps up from his own chair and rushes towards hancuffed Ratan Singh. He forcefully tugs his collar and shakes his head by screaming in anger -

"You filthy rascal, you ungrateful swine, when did I instruct you that? Tell me. Tell me at once. Unless I will break your mouth, you bastard."

Ratan Singh breaks himself free from his grip in just one swift forceful movements of hands and looks at disdain at him.

"Hukum (Boss) you have no rights to talk to me like that. At least I never raped your sister."

Satyam looks at him in awe. Suddenly he remembers everything. Twelve years ago in his drunkard state, he raped Ratan Singh's only sister, Rama who got pregnant in that incident. He gave enough money to abort the child but that attempt claimed even Rama's life who died because of extreme blood loss. Satyam took every kinds of precaution to convince Ratan Singh to forgive him. Ratan Singh also never uttered a single sentence regarding this. They proved Rama's death as an unfortunate mistake in her early youth together and Satyam forgot all about it. Now he remembers what a big fool he was. He should have killed Ratan Singh too.

"He is lying!! He is lying!!" Satyam shouts in despair.

"What is lie, Sir? Akansha's death, her father's death, your father's death, Rama's death, Pratham's (Sashank Doshi's firstborn son) death, Inspector Dibakar's death, Mohan's death, Sakham's death, DCP Angad's death, Editor Avimanyu Rawat's death and now Anuja Doshi's death?"

Jatin voice is cold and firm. He has no inhibition and no pretence left now. He has caught his prey in his grip now.

"You can refute your several attempt to murder your younger brother Shivam Singh Raijada, of course, as we can't find out traces of your direct connections; but in those cases your involvelment was proved as broad daylight."

Jatin's declaration makes Satyam very restless, but not Damayanti. She too calmly states one fact -

"But officer, how could he kill Anuja when he had already killed her before?"

Jatin looks back to her and in her dismay uttered the only known fact -

"No Madam, he did not killed Anuja. You killed her."

He pointed his own index finger to her. She looked at him in disgust. She wants to burn this man alive.

"He only left her dying, but you killed her. You shot her from point blank range." Jatin tells her without lifting his voice.

"Then who was this woman, officer, whom Satyam, according to you, kills just now?" She seems indomitable.

"Ask your husband, may be he knows her." Jatin informs that coldly.

Satyam turns his back and reaches to Damayanti. To everyone's surprise, he lifts his hand and slaps her hard on her face. She looks at him in utter shock. This kind of reaction is totally unbelievable on his behalf.

"You should not kill my one and only love of life." Satyam spits on her face.

Damayanti is still looking at him in shock.

"Officer, arrest me. I am surrendering myself." Satyam stretches his hands too obediently infront of Jatin and he handcuffs him too.

Then he turns back to Damayanti. "Madam, you are under arrest too."

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