Saransh's Infatutaion to A Girl

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Saransh is infatuated??!!! Really?!!! could it be ever possible??!!!

All the boys are awestruck. The girls are jealous. Saransh Singh Raijada has a bad reputation as a notorious playboy casanova. He changes girls more frequently than clothes. How can that Saransh be in love with a girl? How can it be possible at all??!!!

Saransh has two best friends - Deb and Joy. Both are fools and tools in his hands. Deb is fat, dark and tall while Joy is slim, tender, very fair with thin girly voice. Saransh loves to use this clowns according to his own wish. Even Deb and Joy have no idea about this. This information seems new to both of them.

"Hey" Deb clutches his wavy black afro hair in frustrution "How can we become ignorant of the fact?"

Joy just shrugs his shoulders. He also seems clueless. "I don't know." He waves his hands in difeferent dancing positions that looks hilarious.

"Do you think boss can be in love with any girl at all?" Deb asks him by scratching his hair more furiously "He never use any girl for more than one night."

Joy makes a disgusted face and runs far away. With "Yikes" he sprints far from him. He seems afraid of both of the ideas, like Deb's constantly itching head and Saransh's infatuation with any random girl.

However the rumour is partially true. Saransh has keen eyes nested on a new girl of his college. A simple yet extra ordinary girl who never allowed him to go near of her. In the Fresher's Welcome Party last year, all the newly admitted girls roamed around her. Most of them were infatuated by his easy charm. Some even developed a severe crush on him. Like butterflies they started roaming around him just to draw his attention.

Yes, it is true that young Raijada is quite charming. Just like a poisonous snake seems charming to his or her preys at the first glance, Saransh's charm is also like that. Till now no girl could escape it.

But the spell broke that day once. A simple girl with black wavy short hair and simple brown eyes with simple floral printed white frock, did not pay any attention to him. She is quite simple to look yet quite charming. Her face was oval, eyes were quite big and brown in color with very long eyelashes and naturally trimmed eyebrows, pink cheeks, strong cheek-bones, long straight nose, red pouty full lips, long artistic fingers and short white neck. She wears so big cloth that it was impossible to understand the shape of her legs, but you can imagine that they would be pretty too. She had small hips and that helped to beautify her body more. But no boys gave her any attention in the fear of punishment. She was a relative of some influencial college authority. She spent the whole party by nesting her chin on both of her palms with a bored look on her face. In short, none gave attention to her and she did not pay attention to any of them.

Saransh looked at her face with utmost interest

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Saransh looked at her face with utmost interest. She seemed pretty yet quite unconscious of it. With a slight touch up she could compete any girl of her college popular for her beauty.
But she did not care about those things at all like they were irrelevant to her life.

Saransh tugged Joy to draw his attention and ask him "Hey J, do you know that girl?"

Joy's eyes roamed from here and there to discover the girl. And when he found her out he shouted aloud "Oh my that girl!!!" with a shrug of shoulders to show indifference.

"Just tell me do you know her or not?" Saransh seemed impatience to hear his meaningless banters.

"Nooo, not at alll.." Joy replied and he let him go.

"I know her."

Saransh looked back to hear Deb's loud voice.

"Tell me then." He demands to know.

"You don't believe it boss" Deb tells him in a mere whispering voice "She is the niece of your mortal enemy, I mean, our Principal."

Saransh stood stiff for some time to hear this and then and there decided to cox her. He wanted to be friend with her now at any cost. With a small grateful smile he let him to go too and approached her.

"Hi, I am Saransh. Saransh Singh Raijada." He stretched his right hand to her to shake.

She just lifted her bored eyes to him and answered in a single word - "No".

He seemed surprised. What she meant to say?

You may hear about me. Something." He asked her once more.

"No, I don't know you and don't even want to know you. Thanks." With a violent shake of her hair with her left hand, she went away from him.

And the notorious playboy Saransh Singh Raijada seemed completely smitten by her in the first encounter

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And the notorious playboy Saransh Singh Raijada seemed completely smitten by her in the first encounter. It seemed totally unbelievable yet true that he decided at once to stalk her everywhere since that day. This is the first girl who rejects his advances. Now he wants to rule over her body and mind. He wants to have that girl at any cost in his life. This girl has to be his pet. By hook or by crook. By no means he will stop now. None could challenge him like her before and none will have the guts do that after. He will demolish this in bud with his bare hands. Saransh Singh Raijada will never be challenged again once this unnamed girl will be conquered by him.

Alas, he does not know how fast he is running after his own destiny. Junior Raijada fails to recongise the severe advance of cruel destiny to him as he is so busy to nurse his own hurt male ego. He since now is to play as a pawn in the hands of destinty and this girl is his destiny who will change his life forever. But he does not want to pay any attention to it. After all, he has the same dirty blood of his father, Shivam Singh Raijada, running through his vein.

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