Abortion or No Abortion !!!

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"Are you going to name her?" A female journalist asks Saransh after he was severely injured and the press is ushered to have another press conference on his behalf.

"No" he violently shakes his head and says "I love her too much. Please don't disrespect her or accuse her."

"But you should come clean before the starting of the legal battle." A male journalists throws this question to him from far end of the massive hall.

"I know. But I dont want to put her repuatation at stake." He says again.

"Not even for yourself??!!" The old editor of Indian Chronicle screams aloud in a shrill voice.

He shakes his head more violently. "No, not even to save myself."

Then at the other house another type of melodrama is going on. Let's see what it is all about.

"You have to decide now." Sashank tells his daughter Tania to decide the fate of her child who is still unsure.

"Vai, give her some more time." Anu tells him.

Sashank turns abruptly to her and shakes his hands mere helplessly. "You know perfectly, I can't, Anu. She has only three more weaks to decide. After three months we can't abort the child. It's too risky."

She pats her brothers hand to assure him by saying -

"I know. I will talk to her."

"Are you sure that talking with him will help you?" Anuja asks her niece, Tania confidently.

Tania is looking towards the horizon attentively. In those days she skips looking at her own shadow on the mirrors deliberately. Her bulging belly makes her uncomfortable. She is not at all prepared for this forced pregnancy.

Anuja affectionately puts a hand on her right shoulder by telling -

"Dear, I know exactly what is going on your mind. But believe me, you have to remember about your own future. You have a bright future ahead. It is futile to waste it."

She looks at her angirly and yells loudly -

"You also had a child, yet you have a sucessful career. Then why do you think that I am not capable to do that?"

Anuja looks sad and murmurs very softly to her -

"But look at the devastating effect of that on the child I had."

Tania trembles hard. She does not want to offend her aunt at all. But due to this pregnancy hormones, she nowadays can't control her anger on anybody. Her knees feel weak and legs start to shake all of a sudden.

Her aunt stares at her attentively. She understands the turmoil Tania is going through. She extends her hands and holds her shoulders softly. By gently indicating nearby a chair in the balcony, where they are talking with each other till now, she helps her to sit down there.

Tania suddenly feels weepy and tears start to pour down her cheeks. She breaks into a sob.

Her aunt hugs her tightly and gently whispers in her ears -

"Cry your heart out, my dear. You surely have no idea how many nights you have to cry now onwards."

She clutches her aunt too tightly and cry aloud. Anuja runs down her hands through her hair affectionately. She can relate with her deeply as in this unfortunate girl she sees her own past.

They both fails to notice that someone else is also looking at them with moist eyes. Gunjan is also crying with them. She feels sorry for not trusting Anuja. She, overcomed by her motherly feelings, should not blame her for everything happened to her child. She is feeling ashamed for herself now.

"I think that the child will be an excellent excuse to put pressure on the Raijadas." She tells her husband when they are discussing about Tani's future.

"Are you insane or something???!!! How can you even think of it??!!" Her husbank barks on her.

"Vai (brother), please come down. Vabi (sister-in-law) makes a valid point." Anuja tries to support her.

Gunjan has a grateful look on her own face. She does not expect that even after this ongoing misunderstanding between them, she will back her up.

"What are you both talking about??!!" Her husband demands to them.

Anuja leans forward to the cofee table and by opening her handbag begins to produce several blank CDs infront of them in silence.

"What are these??!!" Gunjan exclaims in shock.

"Sex tapes made by Saransh" Anuja lifts her hands in theatrical style and twists and twirls them in famous 'Mudra' of dance.

Gunjan, even though bewildered, suppresses her laughter. She knows that it means Anu has made some great discovery which will be helpful to them.

Sashank is now sitting on a chair exactly opposite Anuja and examines the CDs with utmost interest. He nods his head in disapointment -

"How low this boy can be to achieve his goal?? Shame on him." He makes a disgusting face.

"As our inspector Jatin said, he is truly a great man (Maha purush)". Anuja folds her both hands in prayer mode and then theatrically crosses her heart.

This time Gunjan can't stop her laugh anymore and she bursts into a giggle. Anuja joins her. After looking at the faces of his wife and sister randomly, Sashank also lets out a satisfied smile on his face and lighted his pipe.

Now Dr. Doshi is sanguine that every kind of ongoing misunderstanding between them are sorted and they are totally prepared to make another fatal blow on their opponents together. This battle at any cost has to be won by them. Now he can finally avenge his sister's, son's and friend Dibakar's death from the notorious Raijada family. They at last have to pay for their own crime. But he makes a simple mistake. Dr. Sashank Doshi, in hurry, underestimates one young yet stronger opponent of his, who at the same time of this conversation, is climbing on the window pane of his daughter's room.

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