- five -

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two weeks had passed since san's first time meeting wooyoung and the others, and he would've been lying if he had said it was going great. he hadn't actually seen or spoken to wooyoung since the group had hung out, and it had him feeling a bit discouraged about the friendship he had hoped would come out of that night.

"hey, hyung? i'm going to hang out with mingi, do you want to come?" jongho offered.

"depends, what are you guys doing?"

"getting food and then probably heading to the dance studio to watch yunho, yeosang, seonghwa and wooyoung practice. mingi said something about them having a partner dance assignment or something like that and he quote on quote wants to 'make sure no one is feeling up his baby'."

san snickered slightly, then nodded. any chance to see wooyoung was one he would take at this point, but jongho didn't know that.

"sure, i'll come, i just need to change real quick."

jongho nodded and went to go wait for the boy, who quickly got up from his bed and started to change, now excited for the day. he had initially planned on staying in the boys' apartment and getting some homework done, but he was happy to come along if it meant he'd get to see wooyoung again.

"ready to go?" jongho asked as san entered the kitchen.

"yeah, let's get out of here."


nearly two hours later, mingi, jongho and san headed to the studio to watch the others practice. san was a bit excited honestly, first to see wooyoung again, but also to watch the group dance. as much as he loved dancing himself, he also loved watching others dance, and it had been a while since his own dance classes had assignments to present.

"here we are! i'd be quiet when we go in, i know they usually like to stretch and such in silence and i don't want to interrupt their routines at all!" mingi explained.

the other boys nodded, then they made their way inside and sat down, watching them stretch. soon, yunho noticed the boys and smiled, wrapping up with stretching to come over and greet mingi.

"hi, love," mingi whispered, hugging his boyfriend.

"hi min... hi jongho, hi san~"

"hey yunho," jongho smiled.

"didn't know you guys were coming today!"

"ah, i wanted to surprise you, my love..."

"hm.. thank you, min. just warning you though, you guys might not be able to stay the whole time... um—"

"it's okay, yun. you don't have to explain anything," mingi reassured, understanding exactly what the boy was talking about.

san caught on too, hiding a frown as he looked over to where wooyoung sat, the boy just now finishing up his stretching. the boy looked tense despite having just stretched. the two made eye contact and wooyoung smiled slightly, waving just a bit before standing and going over to his water. jongho noticed the two's interaction and gave san a look that he just shrugged off, finding his friend's reaction funny.

"hi san, hi jongho," wooyoung said softly, sitting down in front of the two.

"hey wooyoung," jongho greeted.

"hey... how are you?" san asked gently.

wooyoung shrugged, not entirely sure how to respond. san nodded in response, understanding the boy didn't feel like talking about it.

"so you guys have a partner project from what mingi was telling us, yeah?" san questioned, finding it best to change the topic so that wooyoung was more comfortable.

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