- sixty -

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wooyoung felt safe. things felt so much more secure than in their last apartment, it gave the boy a really good feeling about what was ahead.

the boy's classes for the day had ended just short of an hour ago, and he was now working on decorating his room, san sitting on his bed and doing work for his music history class.



"i need help..."

"what's up, angel?" san asked, putting his book down and getting up to walk over to where wooyoung stood.

"can't reach," wooyoung pouted, showing san the fairy lights he was trying to put up.

san laughed softly, nodding and stealing a quick kiss from the younger's pouty lips before lifting the younger with ease.

"is that better?"

"mhmm... thank you sannie," wooyoung said softly, quickly putting up the lights.

once the boy had finished, san put him down but kept him close, pressing their foreheads together for a moment.

"i love you, woo~"

"i love you too, sannie... more than you know."

san pressed a gentle kiss to the boy's lips, the two moving together in sync until they were out of breath.

"how much more do you have to set up in here?"

"mm... not too much. some of it is just deciding where i think things will look good."

"wanna nap with me?"

"sannie... you need to finish your work," wooyoung scolded, a playful scowl on his face.

san only let out a chuckle and shook his head, smiling small.

"i'll be fine, woo. it's just a reading."

"you finish that first. i'll do a couple more things to decorate and then we can nap."

"fineee," san whined softly.

wooyoung giggled a bit at this, kissing the boy's cheek and then moving from his arms to start hanging a couple of posters. san went back to doing his reading, although he couldn't focus when all he could think about was cuddling up with his boyfriend when he was done.

he finally finished a little while later, noticing wooyoung looking around his room as if something were wrong.

"woo? what's up, baby?"

"something's missing... it feels empty in here almost."

"what do you mean? like decorations?"

wooyoung nodded, continuing to look around the room.


wooyoung quickly went to his closet and started going through his remaining couple of boxes, searching for something that san was not yet sure what it was.

after getting through the first box and still having no luck, the boy started to get frustrated, tearing up as he went through the second box.

"no.... no, no, no... where is it?!"

"baby... what are you looking for?"

"m-my picture..."

"what picture, love?"

"d-do you remember the picture i-i had on my nightstand? o-of sangie, hwa and i a-after hwa's graduation..."

"of course i do. you can't find it?"

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