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tw / panic attack, mention of blood

the weekend went by quickly, and outside of his panic attack, it was a really good weekend for wooyoung. on the way back to his apartment, san and wooyoung talked about how it would be nice to visit the boy's family regularly, especially since they weren't all that far away. wooyoung made a mental note to call his mother later in the week and see if they could visit every other weekend or so, looking forward to the future.

when the boys arrived back to wooyoung's apartment, san pressed a soft kiss to the younger's temple and quickly whispered to him letting him know to lay down and rest, and he would take bada out. wooyoung agreed with a nod, patting bada quickly before taking his shoes off and heading back to his room.

he was so grateful that san understood him so well, he wouldn't want to have it any other way. longer car rides made the boy a bit anxious, often overstimulating him and making it hard for him to really do much once they got home. san never hesitated to do what he could to make things easier for the boy in these situations.

wooyoung only laid down for a couple minutes before deciding he was thirsty and went to get something to drink. he went to the kitchen at that, his mind still a bit of a mess from the long ride. he pulled out their water jug and went to grab a glass to put it in, but in the midst of grabbing his own glass, another fell out from the cabinet and shattered, the loud sound triggering wooyoung and causing the boy to yelp as he dropped the glass he was holding himself and fell to the ground, cutting his hand on a shard of glass in the process.

he sobbed quietly, afraid that if he made too much noise, he would be punished. his hand hurt a lot, and he was terrified to look and see how much blood there was, or how much of a mess he had made. so instead, he just curled up, shaking, with his head resting on his knees.

it was only a few minutes later that san and bada returned, bada immediately barking and running to the kitchen when he sensed wooyoung's distress. concerned, san immediately followed, gasping when he saw the broken glass on the ground and wooyoung's hand bleeding.

"woo... baby, let's get you out of here, okay?" san spoke softly, unsure of where the boy's mind was at.

the boy didn't respond, not even nodding in response. he was just too afraid that he would be punished for making such a mess.

"baby... it's sannie... can i help you?" he asked quietly.


"yeah... i'm here, love. can we get you out of the kitchen and go take care of your hand?"

"m-my hand?"

"you're bleeding, baby... we need to get your hand cleaned up."

"want s-sangie to..."

"my angel... sangie's not home yet. i don't know when he's getting home."


"at least come with me and let's get you out of here, okay? i'll call sangie and see how long he's going to be if you really want him to clean you up. i just don't want you to get hurt any worse, love."

"i-i'm not going to get punished?"

"woo... baby, i would never punish you. it was an accident, you didn't mean to do it."

"i-is sangie going to punish me? o-or hwa?"

"no, no... they'd never punish you, my love. they want you safe and sound, just like me."

wooyoung nodded, slowly beginning to process what san was saying.

"let's get you out of here, okay?"

wooyoung nodded again, allowing san to pull him up and slowly lead him out of the kitchen. they didn't make it far before wooyoung started to panic again, having recognized his hand was bleeding. this time, the boy started muttering about how he needed to clean it up, how he couldn't get the carpet dirty or he would be mad. san tensed when he realized what was going through wooyoung's mind, pushing down his anger at the thought that the boy had ever gone through that and pulling the boy close to him.

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