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wooyoung's first visit with his therapist went relatively smooth, however, the second he left the office and got into yeosang's car, he begged the boy to take him to san. he didn't care where the older was, he just needed the older's reassurance and comfort.

"did things go okay?"

"mm... yeah," wooyoung muttered, staring at his palms as yeosang continued to drive.

yeosang nodded and left it at that, continuing to drive. he heard his phone ding, knowing it must be jongho, and gave the boy beside him a quick glance.

"youngie, could you check my phone and see what jongho said? it's probably nothing important, but just in case."

wooyoung nodded and picked up the boy's phone, unlocking it and checking the texts with ease. he was surprised by the text that appeared across the screen, a blush gently coating his cheeks.

jjong <3
san knocked out

he's probably more nervous
than woo was .. it's been a
while since i've seen him so
jumpy and shit

speaking of, how's woo?

"he's complaining about san... a-and he asked how i was. d-did you tell him?"

"mm, just that you were starting therapy today."


"tell him we're coming over, you don't have to say anything more unless you want to tell him how you're doing."

wooyoung nodded and quickly typed out a response, hitting send and then leaning back.

yeosang noticed that the boy was feeling a bit uneasy and reached over, gently grabbing his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"i'm proud of you, youngie. really proud."

"t-thank you, sangie... i-i needed that."

yeosang only nodded in response, the two remaining in a quiet, comfortable silence for the rest of the ride.

the two quickly went upstairs, and without a second thought, wooyoung went to san's room. he felt safe here. this had become a place of sanctuary for the younger, and san was happy with that.

wooyoung got into san's bed and cuddled into the boy's side, mumbling softly as he got comfortable.

"woo?" san muttered.

"hi sannie..."

"you okay?"

"i'm okay... just needed you by my side," wooyoung whispered calmly.

"alright... tell me if you need anything more, okay? i'm here for you," san said soothingly, gently tracing his fingers over wooyoung's skin.

"thank you, sannie... always."

san mumbled something quietly in response, then pulled wooyoung closer.

"do you want to nap?" san asked softly.

"mm, i'm okay just laying here. you can go back to sleep if you'd like. i'm not going anywhere."

san nodded against wooyoung's shoulder, humming softly.

the two laid in silence for a while, san tracing patterns softly across wooyoung's side. things were comfortable, the two of them being together like this, and neither boy could imagine having it any other way.


"yes, my love?"

"i need to vent... a-about therapy."

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