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a few days later, the group was finally gathering for dinner at the boys' apartment. and while they hadn't planned to celebrate anything, yeosang, wooyoung and seonghwa had finally found an apartment, and in the perfect location. wooyoung had yet to tell san, wanting to surprise him when he saw him later in the day.

the hard part was feeling ready to have all of their friends there, as wooyoung was a bit overwhelmed from their final morning of apartment hunting and was struggling to calm down.

"do you want san to come over a little early, baby?" yeosang asked, hugging wooyoung close.

"i-i think he's working..."

"i'll text him anyways and see, okay?"

wooyoung nodded, sighing softly.

"it's okay, youngie. i know that seeing all of these apartments has been really overwhelming. some days it's been a lot for me too."

wooyoung only nodded again, his energy lacking. yeosang understood though, kissing the boy's forehead before going to text san. it was within seconds that yeosang got a response, a simple "i'm coming over now" text.

"he's on his way, baby."

"thank you, sangie..."

"anything for you, woo."

wooyoung snuggled into yeosang's arms, closing his eyes and trying to get comfortable. he had been practically glued to the older since their conversation a few days prior, but no one mentioned anything about it.

what was really special to the boys was what happened when yeosang and wooyoung were having a movie night with jongho and san the night prior. wooyoung wanted to cuddle with yeosang rather than san for a portion of the movie, but didn't know how to explain why, and both san and jongho were completely willing to adjust for the two. they all remained on the same couch, but yeosang and wooyoung were curled up together on one end while san and jongho sat on the other. wooyoung had been worried that jongho would be upset, but he ended up being just as understanding of the situation as san was.

yeosang's heart swelled at how amazing jongho was, and how much he appreciated everything the younger did. it was so special to him to have someone who cared so much about his best friend, especially when wooyoung was in such a fragile state.

fifteen minutes later, san was at the boys' door, quickly being let in by yeosang.

"youngie's in my room. you can text me if you need anything, i'm going to be in the kitchen."

"thanks, sangie."

san walked into yeosang's room and smiled small at the younger, sitting down and pulling the boy close.

"hi, my angel," san spoke softly. "how are you doing today?"

"overwhelmed... really overwhelmed."

"let's see, what can we do to work on making you feel better?"

"i-i don't— i don't know," wooyoung breathed out.

"that's okay, my love. i'll think of some things. you just rest for now," san reassured, playing with wooyoung's hair a bit.


san was quiet for a couple of minutes, thinking of what he could do to help the boy get back on track for the day.

"do you want to stay in? or go out?"

"i-i think i'm okay with either..."

"okay... do you want to go get boba? does that sound fun?"

wooyoung only nodded, blinking back overwhelmed tears.

"you know what... we'll save that for a little later, i think we should start with some cuddles and then we can go out," san decided, noticing wooyoung's tears.

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