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for the next few weeks, seonghwa, yeosang, and wooyoung hunted for a new apartment. they wanted one that would be comfortable for all of them, especially wooyoung, and for them to find exactly what they were looking for, they had to spend most of their time searching and viewing different apartments.

for wooyoung, it meant that he was spending less time with san, his stress high because of this. san picked up extra shifts too when he knew wooyoung would be busy, but the younger was beginning to grow anxious at the lack of time spent together.

"c-can this be the last apartment we see today?" wooyoung asked softly on the ride to their next viewing, squeezing his eyes shut a bit in fear.

"of course, youngie," yeosang agreed softly. "do you want to go over to san and jjong's with me after?"


"sounds good to me. hwa, is that okay with you?"

"yeah, of course. it's been a couple of weeks since joongie and i have gone on a proper date anyways, maybe i'll see if he's free for one tonight."

the boys made it through the apartment showing quickly, all three boys enjoying what there was to offer from this option. unfortunately, wooyoung wasn't able to discuss it at the moment, so they would have to put it on the back burner for a day or two. the youngest of the three was mentally drained, completely shutting down as time went on. with this, the boys made their way back to their current apartment so that yeosang and wooyoung could get ready to head to their boyfriends' place.

"do you need anything before we go, youngie?"

wooyoung shook his head, quickly going over to seonghwa and hugging him before heading toward the door.

the two older boys made eye contact, worried about the boy but not wanting to push him.

"alright, let's go then."

yeosang and wooyoung were quick to head over and enter the building, jongho greeting them at the door. san was apparently at work, which saddened wooyoung, but he shrugged and headed to the boy's room anyways, just wanting to feel the comfort of his lover.

"is he okay?" jongho asked in a whisper.

"i'm not sure... he's been really stressed recently."

jongho gave a quick nod, then choosing to change the subject and enjoy the private time with his boyfriend.

meanwhile, wooyoung was close to tears in san's bed, missing the feeling of the boy's arms around him and the soft kisses they always shared. he managed to go an hour before he broke down, sending a text to san to try and help him calm himself down.

woo <3
i miss you

san texted back almost immediately, surprising the younger.

sannie <3
i miss you more woo

woo <3
when do you get out
of work???

sannie <3
i'm off in an hour

i have to go for now :(
i don't want them to
wonder why i've been
gone so long!!

woo <3
okay :( i'll talk to u
later then

wooyoung whimpered and held back his cries, knowing that if yeosang heard, he'd come in a hurry. what he didn't know was that the older did hear, but knew that only san would be able to help at the moment.

"he's crying," yeosang whispered.

"do you want to go see him?"

yeosang shook his head.

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