- ninety one -

335 28 4

tw / panic attack, unintentional self harm

today was the day.

finally, after so much time away, wooyoung was heading back to his apartment. he could barely contain his excitement either, however he was a bit worried for how things would go when he was actually back. he knew that seeing seonghwa and yeosang would feel good, but he also had an itching feeling that it would be overwhelming and he would struggle a lot. he had voiced these worries to san the night before, and of course, the boy made it clear that no matter what, we would be by wooyoung's side.

concerned by how serious wooyoung's worries were, san made sure to let yeosang and seonghwa know by text that the first day or two of wooyoung being home would be rough. he knew that no matter what, the two would be there for the boy, but he also wanted to prepare them so they would be able to cope themselves. after all the time he had spent with the three best friends, he knew that seonghwa and yeosang were often hurt when seeing wooyoung in pain.

while saying their goodbyes to wooyoung's family, san's phone rang, the boy quickly excusing himself when he saw the caller id.

"hey, sangie... what's up?"

"what did you mean by rough?"

"sangie... he's worried that he's going to be overwhelmed and struggle to readjust. i can't say he's wrong... after how bad the transition was to get here and how attached he's gotten to this routine, it's going to be a lot for him."

"has he still been having panic attacks?"

"yeah... unfortunately i don't think they're ever going to fully go away. he's getting better at coping with them, but they're still pretty bad when he has one. not as frequent now though."

"okay..." yeosang whispered.

"are you nervous?"

"huh?" yeosang started, then processing what san had said. "oh... yeah. i just... spending so much time away from him has been really hard for me, san."

"i know... it's been hard for him too. there hasn't been a single day where he didn't mention how much he misses you."

"will you be staying with us when you guys get back?"

"for the first couple of days, probably. just to help him get readjusted and so that you're still able to go to classes and all without worrying too much."

"he's not going back to classes?"

"not yet. his doctor's note has him eligible to be out until the end of the month. i don't know if he'll take the entire week he has left, but he knows he needs to take at least a couple of days."

"and you? what about your classes?"

"one of my professors has been super flexible with me being out. the others think i'm back home to help take care of family, so it shouldn't be an issue."

"you're sure?"

"absolutely. hey, i need to go say bye to woo's family, okay?"

"oh, okay..."

"we'll be back in a couple of hours, but woo will probably be pretty tired when we do get back. long car rides are tough, they're really overwhelming for him."

"mm, yeah. okay... i'll see you guys soon. i'll be ready for cuddles with woo, so be ready to have your boyfriend stolen from you for a bit."

san chuckled, recognizing the subtle excitement exuding from yeosang's words.

"okay, we'll see you then. bye sangie."

"bye san~"

the boys hung up and san returned to see wooyoung crying softly as he hugged his mom. san frowned slightly and made eye contact with eunkyung, who looked a bit worried with how upset wooyoung was.

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