- seven -

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the next few weeks passed quickly, san and wooyoung hanging out often and texting practically nonstop when they were apart. san continued to help the younger through his panic attacks, and quickly picked up on the small things he did that signaled a panic attack starting. wooyoung was extremely grateful for everything san did for him, and even more grateful that they had found such a beautiful friendship in each other.

today, wooyoung had invited san to practice with the others, as their finals were coming up soon and he knew that the older hadn't had much time to practice. before coming though, san went to a nearby craft store and picked up some black cardstock and tape, having gotten an idea on how to make wooyoung feel more safe while practicing fairly recently.

when he arrived, wooyoung, seonghwa, yeosang and yunho were all stretching, giving san the perfect opportunity to cover up the glass window on the practice room door with the cardstock. seonghwa finished practicing while san was completing his own project, giving the boy a curious look, not fully understanding his intentions but deciding that it wasn't his business. it wasn't like san was a shy dancer, after all. san had practiced a few times with the others, but on campus he typically only practiced with seonghwa or yunho, and sometimes both of them. wooyoung and san practiced together often in the comfort of one of the boys' homes, usually having to move furniture around for space.

wooyoung finished stretching shortly after seonghwa, san struggling to pull off a piece of tape and hold the cardstock in place at the same time. he tilted his head slightly at san's actions, then went over and held the piece of cardstock in place so the boy could easily rip the tape. he quickly did, finishing his project and thanking the younger.

"what's this for?" wooyoung asked curiously.



san nodded, going over to his bag to put the roll of tape in his bag.

"yeah... you told me that he used to wait for you and that you thought that might be what made you panic so bad... y'know, the first time i helped you. so i wanted to see if maybe covering the window helps a bit..." san explained, beginning to get shy.


"i-if it makes you uncomfortable, i can take it down!" san nervously added, worried that he had done the wrong thing.

"san, no... no, it's not that. i-it just means a lot to me that you're willing to do this to help me. thank you... really."

san let out a sigh of relief and nodded, a small smile on his face.

"of course, woo~"

wooyoung gave san a small smile and gently took his hand, dragging him to where seonghwa, yunho and yeosang sat waiting for them. they started to discuss their plans for their final dances, the group ending with san, who honestly had no idea what to do. he had been struggling to come up with anything that he felt confident in getting good marks on.

"i... i'm not sure what i'm going to do," san muttered, scratching the back of his neck.

"you haven't come up with something yet?" yunho asked in shock.

"san, finals are next week..." seonghwa reminded, slight worry lacing his tone.

"i-i know, i know... i just—"

"it's okay, sannie," wooyoung whispered, gently patting the boy's back. "we'll come up with something."


wooyoung smiled and nodded, then rising to his feet.

"i have a perfect idea too. let's do a random dance play, yeah? if a song comes on that you want to do for your final, just let me know, yeah? and if not, we can tell you what songs we thought you looked best doing."

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