- sixty one -

525 33 12

tw / mentions of suicidal thoughts & past suicide attempt

yeosang never found wooyoung's copy of the picture, but he did find his own identical one, same frame and everything. he thought for sure that wooyoung wouldn't notice, but the boy knew it wasn't his own. he didn't tell yeosang that he knew, he just found himself crying more often than not when he looked at the picture.

seonghwa had no idea that wooyoung's copy was even missing, leaving him confused whenever he heard the boy's cries when he walked by his room. after three days, seonghwa knew he had to figure out what was going on and slowly entered the boy's room after knocking.

"hi, woo..." seonghwa cooed, walking over to the boy's bed. "what's going on?"

"l-lost my p-picture..."

"what picture, baby?" seonghwa asked, sitting at the edge of the bed and starting to thread his fingers through the boy's hair.

"t-the one from a-after your graduation... o-of you, me and sangie."

"isn't that it right there?" seonghwa asked in confusion.

"i-it's sangie's... h-he doesn't know that i-i know it's not mine... h-he tried to help me find it b-but couldn't, i guess."

"baby... i don't want to say it's just a picture, because clearly it means something special to you... but what makes your copy different from sangie's?"

"i-it's hard to explain..."

"i'm all ears, woo. you can tell me."

"i-i just... it's sentimental for me. i-it's special because that was one of the only things about my old room that always felt like home to me, a-and it always brought me so much comfort. i-i would come back from a really awful date with minhyung and n-not know how to tell you guys about it a-and go to my room and cry w-while holding it close, because it was a reminder that you two were still going to be there even if i didn't know how to tell you what was going wrong. there are dents in the frame that sangie's doesn't have because of all the times i would sit there holding it. those dents are sentimental, the picture is sentimental, i-it's just so important to me..."

"oh, woo... i'm so sorry, baby," seonghwa frowned, gently rubbing wooyoung's back.

"i-i just... it seems like something that should be so easily replaced, b-but for me... it can't be."

"i understand, woo... i can try to help you find it, y'know."

"b-but... sangie looked e-everywhere..."

"i'll still do my best, okay?"


seonghwa nodded, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to wooyoung's forehead.

"and if we don't find it, that's okay, yeah? we'll figure it all out and find a way to make this feel better."

"y-you think we can?"

"i'm sure of it, woo."



"c-can we cuddle?"

"sure, baby."

seonghwa laid down beside wooyoung and pulled him close, the younger boy closing his eyes as he got comfortable. he was so grateful for moments like these with his best friends.

"so sangie has no idea you know, hm?"

"yeah... i-i don't want him to feel bad. he knows it's sentimental for me, b-but he has no idea why."

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