- sixty five -

511 36 14

tw / severe panic attack, unintentional self harm

wooyoung's birthday had finally arrived. despite it no longer being a surprise, yeosang had finished planning a small birthday party for the boy of just their little group of eight, all of whom had helped him in some way.

the days leading up to wooyoung's birthday were filled with mixed feelings. wooyoung was pretty good in the daytime, but as soon as he was in bed, things changed. he had nightmares nearly every night, spending the first couple of days in seonghwa and yeosang's rooms, but then he started needing to have san by his side before he even fell asleep. san was more than willing to be there, but it had yeosang worrying for the little party he had worked so hard to plan.

san woke up early on wooyoung's special day, texting jongho to make sure he remembered to bring over the gift the oldest had gotten for his lover, as he didn't want to ruin the surprise by bringing it over the night before. wooyoung woke not long after this, being greeted with a gentle kiss and a bright smile.

"happy birthday, woo~"

"sannie..." wooyoung started, taking a moment to embrace the present and not the past. "thank you... i love you."

"and i love you. yeosang's excited for later, i already got a text from him asking for me to keep you busy today until he's set up."

"can being busy mean us just cuddling in here? i really don't want to do much today," wooyoung admitted quietly.

"of course, my love... doing okay?" san asked, worried.

"right now, yeah... i just know it'll hit me at some point, y'know?"

san nodded, brushing through wooyoung's hair a bit.

"can i take you out to breakfast though? i'm hungry," san laughed softly.

"mm... okay. just that?"

"just that and then we can come back and cuddle."

"i like that. i'll get ready then."

san nodded and pressed a kiss to wooyoung's forehead, then the two got up and started to get ready. san was ready much sooner than wooyoung, stopping by the kitchen to see how yeosang was doing.

"hey," san said.

"hi... woo up?"

"yeah, i'm taking him out for breakfast and then we're going to come back here."


"sangie... i'm not forcing him out of his own home for you to set up, okay? he's been really nervous about today for a bit, we both know that. this is his first time getting to properly celebrate his birthday in years. i'm doing what he wants today."

yeosang sighed and nodded, chewing his lip.

"i just want this to be perfect for him..."

"i know. i want this whole day to be perfect for him too, yeah? that's why i need to bring him back her after. he asked if we could do nothing but cuddle before what you have planned, i told him yes. i'm not saying no to him when it's his day."

yeosang gave another nod, sucking in a breath before he spoke again.

"please take care of him... that's all i ask."

"you've got it, sangie. i'm going to go check on him now, okay?"


with that, san made his way back to wooyoung's room to see the boy putting in his earrings.

"just about ready?"


"you look beautiful, my love."

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