- seventy two -

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christmas day had come once again, wooyoung waking up early and quietly leaving the living room to go to his own room for a bit. he had a hard time sleeping, tossing and turning for a good amount of the night, although he didn't have any nightmares. he didn't know what was going on, but he was hoping that being in his own bed would help him get a little more sleep.

as soon as he got into bed, he started crying softly, even though he wasn't sure why. it wasn't long before bada jumped into bed beside wooyoung, licking the tears from the boy's cheeks and nudging against him.

"bada... baby, i'm okay..." wooyoung insisted, trying to hide his face.

this wasn't enough for the puppy. instead, bada moved as close as he possibly could to the boy's body, snuggling against him.

wooyoung only sighed, sniffling a bit and then pulling bada close.


he didn't know why he felt so down all of a sudden, but he assumed it had something to do with the holiday.

"should i call sannie?" wooyoung asked bada, gently brushing his finger's through the puppy's fur.

the puppy gave the boy a slight nudge, which wooyoung took as a yes. he grabbed his phone and called san, humming softly as he waited for the boy to pick up.

"hi love... everything okay? it's really early..."

"oh... i'm sorry, sannie..."

"no, no... don't be sorry, woo. i just worry, that's all. i thought you would probably end up sleeping in a little."

"i would've liked to... but i had trouble sleeping last night."


"i didn't have any nightmares, just a restless mind, i guess."

san hummed lightly in response, then heard the boy sniffle quietly.

"were you crying?" san asked with concern.

"a little... bada helped me calm down."

"i knew he would be good at that..."

"i don't know why i was crying... i-i just got to my room and as soon as i laid down i felt like i needed to cry."

"you don't have to know, angel. it's okay. as long as you're doing your best and taking care of yourself."

"i'm trying to."

"that's all you need to do. i'm so incredibly proud of you, woo."

"i needed that... thank you."

"i'm always proud of you, my love."

wooyoung hummed in content, looking down at bada a bit.

"can we facetime instead? i miss seeing you," wooyoung asked in a whisper.

with a soft chuckle, san agreed and before he even knew it, wooyoung was looking into the older's eyes.

"ah, my pretty woo..."

wooyoung blushed, shyly looking at san on the screen.

"you feeling a little better now?"

"yeah... thank you, sannie..."

"no need to thank me, my love. so, what's your plan for today?"

"mmm, well i'm going to make breakfast for joongie and i when he's up. didn't plan much else but i'm sure that we'll watch a movie or something."

san nodded in response, watching as wooyoung began to dissociate a bit, petting bada with one hand and holding his phone with the other.

"woo... stay with me, okay?" san said softly, knowing how often when the boy dissociated he would then have a panic attack.

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