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the improvements were slow at first, but before he knew it, wooyoung was feeling comfortable at home. so much to the point that he extended the time he would be staying by another week, which san was completely willing to change his schedule for.

walking bada on his own in the mornings had become a routine for wooyoung, and in the afternoon, he would take bada on a walk with kyungmin at his side. san and wooyoung both helped out around the house, wooyoung started cooking meals with his mom, and san was learning all of the little parts of wooyoung that he had merely heard about, but not seen before.

being home made wooyoung feel like he had found his light again. he was able to freely do all of the things he loved without fear, and san was beside him for all of it. he knew that this didn't mean he was "cured" or that he wouldn't have any issues moving forward, but it was a good reminder of what he wanted to accomplish and what life was like before his trauma.

throughout the time they had been at wooyoung's, the boy still had a few panic attacks, but he was becoming increasingly more comfortable in accepting that this was unfortunately something that he would have to live with. he could use hundreds of strategies to try and minimize his panic attacks, he could be on medication, and he could be generally doing really well, but that wouldn't change the fact that he had suffered through something so traumatic that he had such severe panic attacks. so instead he changed his goal from avoiding panic attacks altogether to learning how to cope with his panic attacks and minimize the severity.

san was proud. when he had first gotten to wooyoung's, he was worried that being home would make things worse for the younger, which was the exact opposite of what everyone had hoped. but now, he knew the right decision had been made. and tomorrow, san and wooyoung would be heading back to their apartments and working on readjusting the boy before he went back to school and started therapy again.

"i really wish i could stay forever..." wooyoung mumbled, sighing as he rested his head on san's chest.

"i know, lovebug... but we're visiting again soon, remember? just a couple weeks."

"i know, i just... i don't know. i missed this. i spent two years away completely, a-and i've only been home a handful of times before now since then. being home for a longer period has been really healing for me... but it also made me wish i could always be here again."

"and that's completely valid and understandable, y'know?"

wooyoung nodded, hugging san a bit.

"i am looking forward to being back with sangie and hwa though..."

"have you talked to them much recently?"

"hwa more than sangie... h-he hasn't really been answering my messages and i don't know why."

"want me to ask jongho?"

"can you? i-i just... i want to make sure he's not upset with me. i feel really bad about putting him through so much already, i-i don't know how to handle the possibility that he's upset with me."

san nodded, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead.

"i'll text jjong now."

so san pulled out his phone and sent the text quickly, then tightening his arms around wooyoung.

"we should make cookies to bring home with us," san suggested.

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