- forty eight -

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the days passed quickly, san having to leave sooner than wooyoung would've liked. he was a bit nervous to be alone again, and his entire family could tell something was up.

it was almost midnight when wooyoung realized that he wasn't going to be able to sleep alone, contemplating calling yeosang since he was only down the street. he was nervous that the boy was already asleep though, or that he'd be a bother.

wooyoung was struggling to hold back tears when he couldn't anymore, quietly crying and trying to hastily wipe his tears away. he felt stupid for crying. he just wanted this feeling to end.

there was a knock at the door, wooyoung choosing to ignore it in hopes that whoever it was would go away. instead, the door opened, kyungmin walking in and quickly getting into his older brother's bed.

"wooyoungie? hyung, why are you crying?"

"it's nothing, baby... i'll be okay."

"did you and san break up?"

"oh god, no... absolutely not," wooyoung sniffed, pulling kyungmin close. "why are you up, kyungie?"

"had a nightmare... got scared of being in my room all alone."

"wanna stay the rest of the night in here?"

"can i?"

"of course you can... here, you get all comfy, i'm going to run to the bathroom and i'll be back soon. sound good?"

the younger boy nodded, his older brother then kissing him on the forehead before leaving the room. once he got to the bathroom, he sat on the ground and dialed san's number, knowing that the sound of the boy's voice would calm him down completely.

"woo? baby, everything okay?"

"yeah... i'm okay, sannie. i-i just... i was having a really hard time getting to sleep since i'm alone in my bed now. kyungmin had a nightmare and came into my room while i was crying... i-i'll be okay getting to sleep now since he's going to stay in my room tonight, but i'm still just not feeling the best a-and i knew that hearing your voice would help. i-i'm sorry if i woke you or anything."

"no... no, baby, don't apologize. i'm glad you called. i actually just got home a little while ago, work was kind of rough and closing didn't go as smoothly as i had hoped it would. hearing your voice is helping me too."


"really. how was your day, my love?"

"oh... it wasn't too bad. i didn't do too much though. mom and i worked out in her garden for a bit and sangie and his parents came over for dinner."

"that sounds fun! was yeosang complaining about missing jongho? because let me tell you... i've never seen jjong whine so much about anything. he misses sangie a ton."

"sangie whined a little but not all that much. i'm sure that if you give it another day or two he'll be whining more too."

san chuckled, sighing softly.

"i miss you, woo. it feels empty not having you here with me."

"i-i miss you more..." wooyoung whimpered, trying to keep his eyes from filling with tears.

"oh baby... don't cry, angel. only a couple more days, yeah? and then you and sangie come back and we'll be together again."

"i'll try... i-i just... i miss you a lot, sannie."

"baby... i love you."

"i love you too..."

"how about you head back to your room now, hm? you said kyungmin's in there, right?"

"yeah... he is."

"go cuddle with him, okay? help him get to sleep since he had a nightmare and let him help you fall asleep too. and text or call me if you need anything else, sound good?"

"okay... i love you, sannie... i'll talk to you soon."

"talk soon, angel. i love you most."

the two hung up and wooyoung made his way back into his room to find kyungmin half asleep.

"tired?" he asked, laying down and getting comfy.


"let's get to sleep now. i'm here to protect you, yeah? no more bad dreams."

kyungmin only nodded, hugging wooyoung tight as the older turned out the lights and put on the nightlight. within a matter of minutes, the young boy was asleep, wooyoung brushing through his hair quietly.

"kyungmin... i'm sorry i haven't been here to protect you for a few years... i'll do better from now on," wooyoung whispered. "i love you..."

within half an hour, wooyoung was drifting to sleep, hugging his younger brother and dreaming of the moment he was back in san's arms.

everything would be okay... he was sure of it.

hehehe :) this is def a fav chapter of mine that i've written so far, it's just so heartwarming :')

also .. jongho's back!! i'm so happy :')

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