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three days passed after the boy had woken up before wooyoung was released from the hospital, and after lots of discussion between the boy, his friends, and his family, it was decided that he was going to spend a couple of weeks at his parents' house. san would be joining him a few days later, after getting things sorted out with his job (although he hadn't worked as many hours recently anyways) and with school.

wooyoung had just finished packing up his bags with san at his side, and the boy's mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner for all eight boys, as they had decided on getting together before wooyoung went home. he sighed softly as he zipped his last bag up, plopping down to sit on his bed. san got up from where he was playing with bada on the ground at the boy's sigh, sitting beside him and taking his hand.

"what's up, woo?"

"just... really going to miss you."

"i'll be there in a few days time, angel. i promise it'll be okay."

"i-i'm sorry for pushing you away before it all happened. i-i just... i didn't want to accept the truth. it makes sense for me to have ptsd... i-i just didn't want to have a label that can cause people to view me differently. i-i just want to be seen as wooyoung."

"my love... no diagnosis could change how i see you. it doesn't change how any of us see you. you're still our wooyoung."

wooyoung nodded, resting his head on san's shoulder.



"you shouldn't be sorry... you know that?"

"that doesn't mean that i won't be... i really hurt you and sangie..."

"we were worried, love. all of us."

wooyoung hummed in response, gently squeezing san's hand.

"sannie? what do i do if i have a panic attack while i'm away? before you're there?"

"your family knows about your panic attacks, love. it'll be okay. just do your best to let them help you, and let bada help too."

"what if they can't calm me down? w-what then?"

"your mom has my number and both of your parents have sangie and hwa's too. they can call us if they need our help, yeah?"

"o-okay... that makes me feel a little better."

"i promise it's all going to be okay, woo. and then when you're back, we can get you situated with a good routine again, just like you had been doing."

wooyoung let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding and nodded, then kissing san's shoulder.

"i-i love you..."

"i love you more, baby."

the two sat in silence for a few minutes before wooyoung's mom called out to them, then they made their way out to join the rest of the group. wooyoung gave his mother a quick hug before pulling san to sit, yeosang directly next to wooyoung and seonghwa next to san.

eunkyung brought out their food, all of the boys excitedly thanking her and praising how good it smelled. then they all dug in, enjoying their time together when they knew another time like this wouldn't happen for a while.

once they had finished, they all thanked wooyoung's mom over and over, the woman beaming at the group.

"it's no problem, boys. i'm glad you enjoyed."

"you're the best, mom," wooyoung said softly.

san gently took wooyoung's hand, knowing that the boy was feeling nervous now that he would have to be leaving soon.

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