- thirty one -

878 50 8

tw / eating disorder

it was hard not to kiss wooyoung every chance he got after their first kiss. ridiculously hard. san was managing, but he knew he had to ask the boy soon, or else he would break his own pact.

wooyoung had been spending more time back at his own apartment again, doing his best to eat and lean on the people around him. he was working with yeosang and seonghwa to find a therapist, and hongjoong had begun to help the three since he had his own experiences with therapy as well.

after a long couple of months of the group not hanging out all together, wooyoung had been the one to suggest the idea, and now, san and jongho were preparing to head over to seonghwa, yeosang and wooyoung's apartment. the boy had timidly asked seonghwa the night before if they could have everyone over for a sleepover, so of course, seonghwa did everything he could to make it happen.

"when are you finally going to ask wooyoung out?" jongho asked as he got his coat on.

"soon. as soon as i can. just not tonight, it needs to be special. i'll take him on a date soon and ask him then."

"mm, i see. sangie told me that he's been doing a lot better at night."

"he has... he's only called in the middle of the night once this week, which tells me he's either been sleeping through the night or either hwa or sangie have been able to help."

"that's really good."

"ready to go?"

jongho nodded, then the two slipped on their shoes as they headed out the door.

when they arrived, everyone else was already there, and san had quickly noticed that wooyoung wasn't in the room. he approached yeosang to ask, and the boy quickly realized his confusion.

"he was getting a bit overwhelmed so he went to go relax in my room."

"still having trouble being in his own room?"

"he hasn't set foot in there for anything but clothes all week and he can't figure out why it makes him so uncomfortable to be in there."

san nodded, sighing softly.

"is it okay if i go to your room and check on him then?"

"of course it is. you know the way?"

san nodded and thanked yeosang before heading to the boy's room. he knocked softly on the door when he got to it, hearing soft sniffles on the other side.

"woo? can i come in, love?" he asked softly.


san carefully pushed the door open and found wooyoung curled up, hugging his knees to his chest with tears falling down his cheeks. san frowned softly and walked over to the bed, immediately facing toward wooyoung as he sat down. he gently took one of the boy's hands, kissing his fingers gently, then he used his other hand to brush through wooyoung's hair. wooyoung flinched slightly at this, san pulling away gently and giving the younger a look of concern.

"i-it feels like it's burning right there... i-it has all day."

"woo... have you told anyone else?"

he shook his head.

"will you be okay if i leave you alone for a sec so i can go get you some ice? it might help."


"call me if you need me, okay? i'll be quick."

wooyoung nodded and san quickly left the room and went to the kitchen, being met with seonghwa.

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