- fifty six -

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tw / mentions about self harm/thoughts of self harm

the school year had officially began, and surprisingly, wooyoung was handling things quite well. he seemed more focused than in the previous semesters, which helped to reassure yeosang and seonghwa a lot.

the first week of classes had just ended, meaning that the three boys were moving in just two short weeks and needed to start packing soon. however, for wooyoung, this brought a lot of anxiety since he had to spend more time in his room. he was quick to express this to yeosang, seonghwa, his therapist and san, and his therapist gave him the suggestion of having someone in there with him to keep him grounded.

so here he was, first thing on saturday morning, sitting on the ground in his room, a suitcase laying beside him as he tried to focus on going through his clothes to pack with yeosang by his side.

"t-this is so hard..." wooyoung whispered.

"i bet... i'm proud of you though, youngie. you're doing so well."

"i-i know i had a hard time being in here before, but once i had put together the pieces and figured out exactly why it was hard... that made things even more difficult."

"do you need a break?" yeosang asked softly.

"but i need to—"

"yes, packing is important, but please don't forget to take care of yourself, youngie."

"okay... i-i'll take a break."

"good... hey, why don't you invite san over? we can both help you out if that might make you more comfortable."

"i-i like that idea."

"yeah? i'm glad... here, let's go relax in the living room for a bit," yeosang whispered, brushing through wooyoung's hair gently.

wooyoung nodded and the two got up, heading into the living room. once they sat down, wooyoung called san, hoping the boy was awake.

"hey woo," san said softly.

"hi sannie... did i wake you?"

"no, i woke up a bit ago, i've just been lazy this morning."

"ohhhhh, i see."

"what's up, love?"

"can you come over and help me pack?"

"of course i can, woo. is sangie busy, is that why?"

"n-no... he's been helping me b-but... i-i just haven't been having the easiest time, even with him there to ground me... i just need some more support, i think?"

san smiled brightly when he heard wooyoung's words, proud that the boy was finally understanding his own needs a little better and working to address these needs. yeosang smiled too, incredibly proud of wooyoung for voicing his need for support.

"i'll be there soon, yeah? i'm going to freshen up and then i'll head over."

"okay... thank you, sannie."

"anything for you, my love."

the two hang up and yeosang pulled wooyoung close, hugging him warmly and kissing the boy's head.

"i'm so proud of you, youngie..."


"you directly told san that you think you need more support. that's huge, baby. i'm so, so proud."


"of course i am, youngie. you've come so far since everything first happened, i'm so proud of you for all of it. this is just such an important jump for you, woo... you've never been able to tell us outright that you need support or anything."

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