- sixty nine -

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tw / mentions of animal abuse

a week had passed since the boys had gone to the puppy cafe, and wooyoung had begged to go back nearly every day. the first two days, they did go back, playing with the puppy for a couple of hours before they would then leave for the night. after that, san wasn't able to bring wooyoung, which saddened the younger.

what he didn't know was that san was at the cafe every day finalizing the adoption and proving to the owners that he was fit to care for the puppy. he didn't suspect anything either, the boys all keeping it well hidden from wooyoung.

a week and a half before christmas, bada was finally ready to come home. yeosang and seonghwa had plenty of supplies ready for the pup in their rooms that they would put out while san brought the boy to the cafe. he had no idea that this visit would end just the way he wanted it.

"sannie... what if he's not there the next time we come?" wooyoung asked with tears in his eyes.

"my love... we'll figure it out, okay? i promise, it's all going to work out."

wooyoung sighed and nodded, then the two got out and headed inside the cafe.

almost immediately, bada was running up to wooyoung, the younger kneeling down and greeting the dog as well. san smiled and went over to the counter, ordering their drinks and also speaking with the owner briefly about how everything was ready for bada to come home.

once their drinks were ready, san joined wooyoung at the table with a smile, watching as the boy cuddled up to the dog.

"so cute..."

"i love you..." wooyoung blurted out. "thank you for bringing me here so often to see bada..."

"anything to put a smile on your face, my love."

wooyoung leaned his head on san's shoulder at that, humming softly as he stroked bada's fur. the two boys stayed for a little over an hour, playing with bada and other puppies, before san looked at wooyoung.

"hey, baby?"


"we have to get going..."

"b-but— sannie, can't we stay for a few more minutes?"

"we can't, love... i told hwa and sangie we'd be back around five. they told me that everyone's coming over for dinner."

wooyoung sighed, tears welling in his eyes at the uncertainty that came every time he left the cafe, wondering if he would actually get the chance to see bada again. he nodded shallowly after, pouting a bit more than usual.

"i'll give you a moment and go pay for our drinks."

the boy nodded again, san getting up and heading to the counter where he paid and the worker helped him get the carrier that he had dropped off ready. san thanked the woman and made his way over to where wooyoung and bada were, wooyoung evidently holding back tears.

"ready to go?" san asked softly.

wooyoung looked up as he nodded, then he scrunched up his face in confusion when he saw san holding a dog carrier.

"sannie... what?"

"are you two ready?"

"two? y-you mean bada is coming home with us?"

"he's coming home with us, baby... he's going to live with you, hwa and sangie."

"really?" wooyoung asked in disbelief, his eyes widening.

"really, my love. i wasn't going to risk the chance of us coming here and not seeing bada."

"sannie... how did you do this?" wooyoung muttered, tears of joy starting to fall from his eyes.

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