- twenty eight -

930 51 7

tw / severe panic attack, eating disorder, mention of suicide attempt

it was awkward to be back in his apartment. he had been away so often that it barely felt like home again, and this made the boy incredibly sad. when san dropped wooyoung off, the boy almost changed him mind. san ended up staying for a little over an hour, getting the younger readjusted to being in the space. yeosang and seonghwa looked on with a grin on their faces, both happy that their best friend was home for the night and to see him so comfortable with san.

when san finally left, wooyoung immediately started crying. he couldn't explain what was happening, why he felt so out of place in his own apartment. seonghwa and yeosang frowned softly at this and sandwiched the boy in a hug, leaving them in the position that they were in now with seonghwa and yeosang each cuddling into one of wooyoung's sides. wooyoung had stopped crying a while ago, but he still let out a couple of sniffles from time to time.

"hey youngie?" yeosang muttered softly.


"i'm happy you're here... really happy. i know you're trying really hard too, okay? if we're too much for you or anything, just say something. i'm so proud of you..."

a small, weak smile graced wooyoung's features, the boy nodding in response.

"i love you, youngie..."

"i love you more, sangie... thank you."

the boys grew quiet again until seonghwa got up, gently kissing wooyoung's forehead before looking at his two best friends.

"i was thinking maybe we can order out tonight?" he asked gently. "i can go get my laptop so we can all look at the menu together."

"where from?" yeosang questioned.

"um... maybe one of our usuals? that way we know there's something we each like."

"that sounds good to me! how about you, woo? does that sound okay?"

wooyoung froze for a moment, unsure of what to say. he didn't want to upset his best friends, but he had no idea how much he would be able to eat. after all, he was barely able to eat a bowl of fruit that morning and he hadn't had anything since then.

"um... i-i don't know how hungry i am..."

"that's okay, woo," seonghwa nodded, deciding to sit back down for a moment and rest his hand on wooyoung's thigh. "if you want, you can choose something to order and we can save it for when you are hungry. does that sound good?"

wooyoung chewed his lip and nodded, his eyes welling with tears again at the thought of disappointing the people who meant the most to him.

"hey... look at me, baby," seonghwa whispered, gently cupping wooyoung's cheeks. "remember that it's okay to say no, yeah? you're not disappointing anyone."

"he's right, youngie," yeosang added.

"a-are you sure?"

"yes... of course we are, woo. you have never once disappointed us and you never will," seonghwa explained as he wiped wooyoung's tears.

"i-i want to try... i-i need to try..."

"if that's what you want to do, that's perfectly fine, woo."


"i'm going to go get my laptop, okay?"

wooyoung nodded, then seonghwa got up again and left the room to get his laptop from his own bedroom. in the meantime, wooyoung curled up against yeosang, who wrapped his arms around the younger and held him close.

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