- sixty two -

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the semester had been going pretty well for all of the boys once seonghwa, yeosang, and wooyoung had moved. wooyoung's panic attacks had significantly decreased, and he was starting to really feel like he was living again. he still had some days that were pretty rough, days where he couldn't be apart from either san or yeosang, and days where he felt a bit hopeless, but overall, everyone was starting to recognize the improvements wooyoung had made.

he was laughing and smiling more than yeosang and seonghwa had seen since before the boy had even gotten together with his ex, and the two were given a sense of relief at this. they even decided that maybe the boy would be ready to celebrate his birthday again, as he had stopped finding joy in his birthday the first year he spent it with minhyung.

and with the boy's birthday less than a month away, yeosang and seonghwa were busy planning whenever wooyoung was over at san's.

wooyoung had therapy after his class today, san offering to drive the boy since he seemed to be having a pretty rough day. he hadn't asked yet what was going on, but the older was pretty sure he knew.

"hey, baby?" san asked softly as they pulled into the parking lot.


"doing okay today?"

"not really, no..."

"wanna do something after your appointment to make you feel better?"

"c-can we just cuddle? a-and maybe... c-can i stay over?"

"of course you can, love. do you need to stop by your place for anything?"

"mm... just to get hugs from yeosangie and hwa if that's okay?"

"absolutely, whatever will help the most, my love."

"t-thank you..."

"always, woo. and if you want to talk about anything when we're back at mine, i'm all ears, okay?"

wooyoung smiled small and nodded, leaning over to press a soft kiss to san's lips.

"i'll be back... see you soon?"

san nodded, reaching over to grab the younger's hand and give it a squeeze before he got out of the car and went inside for his appointment. it was then that san got a text from yeosang, asking how wooyoung was.

he's doing okay, he's going
to stay the night with me but
we're stopping by after his
appointment bc he wants
hugs from you two

oh my youngie :(<3

he's been really off today
and i know there's gotta be
something up but i didn't
want to upset him or anything

yea, he told me he's not
doing okay today and i left
it at that, i don't want to push
him to tell me anything if
he's not feeling like it

thank you san

ofc, how's planning going
for his birthday???

it's going

i just can't help but worry
that he still won't feel like
he's able to enjoy his day

it makes me nervous

we'll see, i think it might
be a little rough but he'll
be appreciative

would you be able to help
sometime soon?? hwa wants
to spend a day out with
woo anyways

yeah ofc! whatever you need

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