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"do you really think it wasn't my fault, jjong? i-i can't help but wonder if it was..." san asked nervously, chewing on his lip.

"san... i don't think it was your fault. i think that woo genuinely just needed to go home and take some time for himself. you said he was having a really hard time after he ate yesterday, i'm sure he just needed to decompress. sangie's coming over later, if you're really worried, you can ask him."

"he just... he's only texted twice since he left... i don't know, i'm just really worried that i fucked up."

"no, i can say for sure that you didn't, san. sangie texted me yesterday after they'd been home for a couple of hours and told me he was really worried about woo. he said it's been a long time since he's seen him this overwhelmed. it's not you, okay? it's probably just the build up of stress he's been dealing with."

san frowned a bit and nodded, keeping his head low.

"he hasn't texted me since i said good morning... i just... i want to know he's okay."

jongho nodded, quickly sending a text to yeosang asking how wooyoung was doing and mentioning that san was worried.

yeo <3
woo's been feeling really
guilty for not having the
energy to answer him :(

he's not doing too much
better, he's still really
overwhelmed and a bit
panicky :(( he's insisting
that i still come over even
though i told him i'd stay
home if he needs me

jjong <3
is hwa going to be there
with him?? i know you don't
like having to leave him
alone if you can help it

yeo <3
yeah, hwa's here

woo's shutting down though,
he's talking less & less as
time goes on and it's really
worrying me :/ idk what to
do anymore jjong :(

jjong <3
you're doing your best,
my love :( that's all you
can do for now

yeo <3
thank you <3 i needed to hear
that... i'll be over in a couple
hours,,, i'm going to try and
see if woo's willing to eat
with us for breakfast

jjong <3
ofc my love <3

let me know if anything
changes, okay? you know
i'll be okay if we have to
cancel, it's not like we're
never going to see each
other again or anything

yeo <3
i will <3 i love you jjong

jjong <3
i love you more yeo <3

"he's doing okay... well, not exactly, but you have nothing to worry about, san."


"yeo says that woo's feeling guilty for not having the energy to text you back. apparently he's starting to really shut down and hasn't had much energy at all."

"no... he shouldn't feel that way..."

"i know... i know. but he can't control it, san. he's used to feeling guilty for doing things for himself. this shut down is how he's coping with how overwhelmed he's feeling. it's okay."


"san... i know it's hard. he's safe though, he's got hwa and sangie there with him, and they won't let him stay alone for too long when he's like this."

"i just... i want to help."

"you can't, san. he needs his best friends right now more than anyone else. they've been there since the beginning, they know how he gets and what's going to be best for him. okay?"

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