- thirteen -

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the week passed slowly for both wooyoung and san. both boys were excited for their movie night that they had planned on christmas, and being apart until then was difficult. they talked practically nonstop, wooyoung calling san whenever he knew the other wasn't busy and vice versa.

there was even one night where wooyoung called san sobbing when he had woken up from a nightmare, but he couldn't remember at all what had happened in it. san stayed up all night with wooyoung to calm him down and eventually lull him to sleep. when wooyoung woke up later that day, he nearly started crying again, having felt awful for waking san up in the middle of the night. he frantically texted the older an apology, which san responded to with another phone call, calmly explaining to wooyoung that he shouldn't apologize for needing someone to lean on and that san was happy to be that person.

san seemed to know wooyoung better than anyone, despite the two having known each other for such a short time, and it confused wooyoung, but he was extremely grateful for the boy's presence in his life.

san had recently gotten back to his dorm and was now setting up for wooyoung to come over, the younger patiently waiting in his own apartment with seonghwa beside him, the two playing on their phones quietly.

"woo? will you be okay alone for a bit?" seonghwa asked gently, playing with the boy's hair. "the store's going to be closing soon and i need to go get groceries."

"o-oh... um... i-i—"

"it's okay to say no, honey... you know that."

"i-i'm sorry... i-i'm just nervous..."

"it's okay to be nervous too. do you want me to stay? i know it's been a while since the last time we left you alone..."

"i-i can try? i-i'm supposed to be going to san's anyways so i can see if i'll be able to go over soon."

"are you sure?"

"y-yeah... i'll be okay," wooyoung nodded.

"call me if you need me, okay? even if you just want someone to talk to, it doesn't matter how small the situation is. i'll answer."

"thank you, hwa... really."

"always, bubba. i've got you, always."

wooyoung smiled small and gave seonghwa a grateful hug, then allowed the older to get up and head out the door. wooyoung put the tv on, things being peaceful before he heard a thump outside the door, making his heart drop. panic filled his veins and he ran to the door, making sure it was locked and then looking through the peephole. he couldn't see anyone, but he was terrified now.

he grabbed his phone and ran to his room, curling up in a ball and quickly dialing san's number. the boy answered after only a singular ring, happily greeting the younger before recognizing the sound of his cries.

"hey, woo! i'm almost— wait... woo, what's wrong?"

"i-i— s-scared— h-help?"

"okay... it's going to be okay, woo. things are just about ready at my place anyways, stay on the phone with me while i get my jacket and head over. i'll come pick you up and we can get you settled here instead. do you have a bag packed?"


"okay. you're in your room, right?"


"okay, good. i'll be there soon, woo. i'm getting my shoes on and heading to my car."


"yeah, woo?"

"i-i'm so sorry..."

"shh... don't apologize, bub. i've said it before and i'll say it again, i'm happy to be someone for you to lean on."

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