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san and wooyoung were completely inseparable for the next week. if san wasn't sleeping at wooyoung's, then wooyoung was sleeping at san's. the only time their friends could get them alone was in classes, and even that was hard. jongho had no clue what was going on, san hadn't said a word to him, and wooyoung had begged yeosang to keep it a secret. if anyone was going to tell their friends, it was going to be either san or himself.

san was anxiously tapping his pen in class that morning, desperately wanting to be back with wooyoung in the younger's bed. he had been extremely anxious since he had made such a silly mistake, especially knowing that it could have cost him his relationship.

"san," jongho whispered.


"let's go during break. we need to talk," jongho insisted.

"about what?" san sighed.

"you know what, san."

san nodded, finally agreeing to talk after a whole week.

half an hour later, jongho and san left their class and headed out of the building toward jongho's car.

"alright, what happened?"

"i-i fucked up. r-really bad. could've lost woo..."


"y-you know how sangie's planning something for woo? h-he wanted my help so we had hwa pick him up from mine a-and i sent—" san rambled, his anxiety clear as day.

jongho was quick to stop the boy, shaking his head.

"slow down. you sent a message? what was the message?"

"telling sangie that woo had just left and he could come over... b-but i sent it to woo by mistake."


"he came back upstairs and asked me if i didn't love him anymore. i was so fucking confused, jjong... a-and when he showed me what he meant... i thought i was going to collapse right there. i never wanted to hurt him, i promised myself i would never hurt him. a-and i did."

"san... you clearly proved to him that you would never hurt him, even if that meant spoiling the surprise. how else would you two be so attached at the hip?"

"h-he told me i didn't hurt him... that i just scared him... but i can't help but wonder if he was just lying to make me feel better."

"i don't think he was lying to you, sannie. wooyoung loves you a lot, he wouldn't do that."


"did you start thinking of high school?"


"did you start thinking of high school?"

"i-i mean... yeah, it was inevitable."

"san... have you talked to woo about this? told him what's been on your mind?"

"i don't want to upset him..."

"you need to tell him, sannie. hell, i'll bring you over to his place right now."

"h-he should be in class right now."

"then after class, we'll go see him. i need you to stop bottling up your feelings like this, sannie. it's not good for you."


"i know it's what you're used to, but it's going to hurt your relationship with woo at some point if you don't at least try to be open with him."

"i-i just... i think he knows, jjong. he's been careful with me. h-he doesn't hesitate to give me the love i need, but he's careful with his words. it only makes me more anxious... w-what if he is upset after all?"

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