- twenty seven -

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tw / eating disorder

a week had passed since seonghwa went over to san's to talk to wooyoung. the younger had made it through one night at his own apartment since then, and even that was difficult. since that night, wooyoung had been struggling to get to sleep again, and his poor sleep patterns meant his anxiety was worse. with the bad anxiety came bad thoughts, and it was growing harder for the boy to stomach anything as the days went on.

"woo... lovebug, hey... look at me, yeah?" san cooed softly.

wooyoung whimpered softly as he stared at san, the older cupping his cheeks.

"everything's going to be okay, woo. i'm here, yeah? we're gonna get you through this, i promise."

wooyoung nodded shallowly, afraid to look the boy in the eye for much longer.

"how are you feeling about food today? too hard?"

"i-i don't know... i-i want to try so bad b-but i feel so d-disgusting..."

"that's okay, yeah? we can take it slow and start small. how's that sound?"

wooyoung nodded, taking a shaky breath and resting his head on san's shoulder.

"do you want to try some fruit? it doesn't have to be much."

"i-i don't know... c-choices are hard right now..."

"okay. that's alright, woo. i'll take out some fruit and if you see it and don't feel like having any, we can try something else. how's that sound?"

wooyoung only nodded, a disappointed frown on his face. he just wanted his suffering to end. between his thoughts and his habits, things were just so stressful and it kept him wondering what life would be like if he didn't have to deal with these things.

"do you want to come with me to the kitchen or stay here?"


san nodded and kissed wooyoung's temple, then got up from where he was cuddled up with wooyoung. he reached for one of the plushies that wooyoung had become quite fond of, placing it on the boy's lap, then smiled small and left the room. he knew this was hard for wooyoung and that the boy was trying, and he just wanted to do whatever he could to help.

whether that meant sticking by wooyoung's side at every possible moment or just seeing if he wanted something to eat, he was willing to do anything to make sure that wooyoung could get through this.

san returned to his room with a small bowl of grapes and raspberries, wooyoung's eyes lighting up slightly when he saw what san had put in the bowl.

"we have raspberries?" the boy asked softly.

"we do. i know you like them so i made sure to buy them when i went grocery shopping."

"thank you, sannie," wooyoung said with a soft smile.

"anything for you, woo."

san sat down beside wooyoung and pulled him close, then the younger gently reached for the bowl. san gave him a proud kiss on the temple when he did, wooyoung humming lightly before picking out a raspberry and slowly bringing it to his mouth. as he did, san took a grape from the bowl and did the same, knowing how much it helped wooyoung to not be eating alone.

the boy was able to stomach a few raspberries before he started to feel ill, sighing softly as he shook his head and buried it into san's shoulder.

"too much?" san asked gently.


"that's okay, woo. you did your best. i'm so proud of you, love."

"i-i just wish i could've done better..."

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