- eighty six -

329 29 4

tw / mentions of previous suicide attempt

the first two days that wooyoung spent at home were hard. extremely hard. the boy didn't want to do anything, mostly out of fear that he would do something wrong. the little voice in his brain that was left from his past relationship kept him constantly believing that everything had to be perfect, especially him. kyungmin took bada out in the mornings and at night, as wooyoung didn't leave his room to do anything except use the bathroom.

the boy's mother was rightfully concerned, especially after how he had ended up home. she didn't know how to help either, so she gave one of the few people who might know a call.

"san? i need your help."

"is everything okay?"

"wooyoung's been refusing to leave his room for anything but the bathroom for the past two days. kyungmin has been having to take bada out for his walks and feeding him, but i can't just sit to the side any longer and watch him struggle like this. do you know what i can do?"

"he's eating and everything though?"

"at least a little bit each meal, yes."

"okay... then he's probably nervous about something, i just don't know what."

"you can tell all that from what i just told you?"

"he's the love of my life, ma'am... i've spent so much time with him that i can read him like a book."

"if that's the case... then did you know he was suicidal in the first place?"

san nodded, although the woman couldn't see him.

"i did... and... he should probably be the one to tell you about this properly, not me, but this wasn't his first attempt. he just... got a whole lot farther this time."

"oh my..."

"i'll call him... see if i can figure out what's going on. i should be down there in a couple of days as well. i just have to talk to one more professor to make sure she's aware that i'll be absent before i can leave."

"alright... i really do appreciate you for doing all this for wooyoung, san. it means a lot to me."

"i'd walk to the ends of earth for him if it was necessary... especially if it meant he could live peacefully."

"you're a sweet boy, san. i'll let you call wooyoung now, yeah?"

"okay... i'll text you if there's anything i have to update you on."

"thank you, san. talk soon."

the two hung up and eunkyung went to fix wooyoung some lunch, the boy sitting in his room, brushing through bada's fur and staring at the ceiling.

"maybe i should watch a drama?" wooyoung asked quietly, directing his questions to bada despite the dog not being able to answer. "no... it might be too loud, i don't want to bother anyone..."

wooyoung's thoughts were silenced by his phone ringing, a facetime call from san waiting to be answered. quickly, the boy picked up, missing the older's face a bit too much.


"hey baby... how are you doing?"

wooyoung shrugged, humming slightly.

"it's been okay..."

"what have you been up to?"

wooyoung grew quiet, unsure of what to say.

"um... n-not much..."

"not much? well, then tell me about that, my love... have you been relaxing? watching dramas or anything?"

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