- twenty one -

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san was stressed over his phone's whereabouts when he arrived to wooyoung, yeosang and seonghwa's with jongho, but he had a feeling that seeing wooyoung would help. yeosang answered the door, gesturing for the two to be quiet, pointing to where wooyoung laid on the couch.

"he's been asleep all afternoon," yeosang whispered to san as he hugged jongho.

"do you think something's up?" san asked.

"i'm not sure... maybe nightmares or something again, but he's been pretty good this weekend, yeah?"

"yeah... he hasn't had too many panic attacks or anything."

"see if he'll tell you if you can, but you know, don't pressure him or anything."

"of course..."

san quietly walked over to where wooyoung laid across the couch, kneeling down in front of the boy and gently cupping his cheek.

"woo~" he whispered.


"hi there, bub. did you sleep well?" san cooed softly.


"yeah... i'm here, woo."

"mm... slept okay," wooyoung answered lazily, slowly opening his eyes.

"good... good. i'm sorry i haven't been able to text you today, i can't find my phone."


"i can't find it anywhere, woo..."

"have you called it?"

"i think it's on silent," san explained.

wooyoung frowned, sitting up, then he racked his brain trying to think of where san could've lost it.

"wait a minute... did you leave it here?"

san mentally facepalmed, the idea never having crossed his mind, then he shrugged in response.

"maybe... i thought i lost it on the way out or something honestly, but i might have just left it in your room."

"go check, silly," wooyoung laughed.

"mm... come with me, woo," san begged.

instantly, wooyoung froze, stiffly shaking his head. san frowned slightly upon noticing, sitting on the couch and patting his lap.

"come here, bub..."

without saying anything, wooyoung crawled into san's lap and got comfortable, letting out a small sigh.

"don't feel comfy going to your room right now, hm?"

wooyoung nodded, his eyes welled with tears. he felt so stupid for constantly getting scared of little things and not being able to go places without panicking. he couldn't even set foot in his own room, and sometimes even his apartment, without panicking at times, and he was absolutely humiliated by it.

"hey... woo, it's okay, bub. don't cry, it's okay," san cooed softly.

"i-i'm so sorry... s-sorry i-i'm like this," wooyoung whimpered, struggling to hold back his tears.

"no... no, you don't have to be sorry, woo. you didn't do anything wrong, it's not your fault, angel."

"i-i hate this... i-i hate being like this, sannie..."

"my angel... i'm so sorry that you have to suffer like this, you don't deserve any of what you've gone through and continue to go through."

"b-but i do..."

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