- seventy four -

481 36 18

tw / panic attack, unintentional self harm, abuse (not involving main characters)

as things went back to normal with san being back, wooyoung started to have more energy again. he was so happy to have his person beside him again, and everyone could tell.

yeosang and seonghwa were due to return that day too, meaning that wooyoung had extra energy and insisted on cleaning the entire apartment so that it was perfect when his two best friends returned. and of course, san offered to help, knowing how important it was to the younger.

they had recently finished cleaning the bathroom and wooyoung had gone to vacuum both yeosang and seonghwa's rooms and make sure their beds were nicely made, as he had taken a few naps in each of their rooms for comfort while they were away. san helped with whatever he could, wooyoung soon asking the boy if he could go pick up a couple of groceries that they had been running low on while he cleaned up the living room.

wooyoung was happy, finally being able to do something for his roommates who had been by his side from the beginning and who had given him the world as he was continuing through recovery. he often didn't have the motivation to do much or was overwhelmed by everything going on to help out around the apartment, so cleaning the entire place made him feel really good.

but for wooyoung, nothing good never seemed to be able to last that long. he heard fighting in the hallway, and he instantly grew stressed, tensing at the loud yells and his heart beginning to pound outside of his chest.

he slowly approached the door, afraid but wanting to peek to make sure everything was okay, and as he looked out through the peephole, a man (who he assumed was a neighbor from a different floor) slapped the woman he was with across the face.

wooyoung stumbled backwards seeing this, quickly trying to get to his phone and simultaneously trying to hide. he didn't make it far before he was full on panicking, sinking to the ground in the middle of the living room and beginning to cry as his mind was flooded with memories of his own abuse. he tried to reach for his phone, but his vision was incredibly blurred and he couldn't tell exactly where his phone was.

he wanted his sannie so bad, he needed him.

bada was quick to try and help, but nothing was working at this point. the small dog kept barking by the door, as if begging for someone to come help his human.

wooyoung whined loudly and screamed, feeling a sensation similar to that of a slap as he continued to panic, his breathing growing more and more labored as the time went on. he needed help, where was his sannie?

"b-bada..." wooyoung whined, the dog's barking only overstimulating him more.

it took a couple minutes before the puppy fully stopped, running back over to his human and trying to help some more. wooyoung's words were stuck in his throat, his mind getting even foggier the longer he didn't have someone there with him.

twenty minutes had passed since wooyoung's panic attack had started when san finally arrived back at the apartment, not able to hear wooyoung from right outside. the younger's throat felt as though it was closing up, and he was stuck struggling to breathe, making weak noises from time to time as he shook and cried, his nails dug deep into his arms.

"hi my love, i'm—" san's eyes widened when he saw the state his boyfriend was in, quickly getting his shoes off and running over to the younger, having dropped the grocery bags down on the way.

"woo..." he said softly, sitting in front of the boy.


"yeah, baby... i'm here, woo," san cooed.

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