- nine -

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tw / severe panic attack, unintentional self harm

finals were officially over, and it felt like a breath of fresh air for each of the boys. to celebrate, mingi had suggested going out for dinner and karaoke, which san and jongho had quickly realized were some of the boy's favorite activities. everyone was excited, but wooyoung had a very bad feeling in his chest about how their night would go. he tried to convince himself he was just getting in his head, but he couldn't seem to do it.

he found himself clinging to seonghwa's side on their way to the restaurant, then again when they headed to karaoke. he was fairly quiet all night, and everyone seemed to notice. while the others all drank soju, wooyoung chose to have water, and when they got to karaoke, he manned the remote to avoid having to sing. san had noticed quite early on how the boy was acting, but he chose not to comment on it. instead, he stopped drinking soju and opted not to sing when they started doing karaoke, but that soon changed.

"san! we should do this song together," jongho suggested, a bright smile on his face.

"sure, jjong," san agreed, smiling small.

wooyoung nodded and put the song on, watching as the two boys san. they left the other boys absolutely speechless, wooyoung quickly finding comfort in the sound of san's voice. it lulled him into a much calmer state of mind, at least for the time being. when they finished singing, all of the boys (except for hongjoong, who already knew what they sounded like) sat with their jaws dropped, absolutely blown away by their performance.

"why did no one tell me that y'all sounded like that?!" yunho yelled, causing wooyoung to flinch slightly at the sudden loud noise.

san only shrugged, sitting in the now empty spot beside wooyoung, which had previously been occupied by seonghwa.

"we've told you before that we're vocal majors," jongho laughed.

"okay, but i didn't expect you to be that good!"

san just laughed, looking over at wooyoung with a smile.

"what'd you think, woo?" san teased sweetly.

"that was really good, sannie. you too, jongho. you guys sound really amazing together~"

"thanks, wooyoung," jongho smiled.

wooyoung only nodded in response, then mingi and yunho started to argue over who was going next. yunho insisted he take a turn singing with jongho, but mingi wanted to take a turn with his boyfriend. in the end, seonghwa and hongjoong started singing, and before they knew it, the night was coming to an end. yunho and mingi were (surprisingly) the first ones to leave, claiming they were "exhausted". seonghwa only rolled his eyes in response to this, having a strong feeling he knew what they were actually planning on doing. hongjoong started out shortly after, inviting seonghwa to join him, which the older quickly did. yeosang, jongho, wooyoung and san remained, and jongho was quick to come up with an idea.

"do you guys wanna grab ice cream before we head home?" the youngest suggested.

"hmm, youngie? how do you feel about that? do you want to get ice cream?" yeosang asked the boy gently, noticing he had been a bit quiet.

"sure," he shrugged.

san smiled and nodded in agreement, then the boys headed out themselves. they arrived at the ice cream shop shortly after, yeosang and jongho going up to order while san and wooyoung found a spot to sit.

"you know what i think?" san asked.


"i think jongho might have a little crush on yeosang."

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