- twenty six -

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tw / eating disorder

wooyoung had started staying with san four days ago, and despite things still being rough for the boy, having san by his side made them feel a bit easier. he was still having bad nightmares and struggling to eat, but san did everything he could to try and make the boy feel safe and encourage him to eat.



"i can't miss class today... do you want to stay here or maybe hang out at your place for a bit?"

"i-i can't... n-no..."

"shh... it's okay, woo. take a deep breath with me, you're alright..."

san led the boy in taking a deep breath, then cupped his cheeks and kissed his nose before saying anything.

"what's on your mind, bug? something scaring you about your apartment right now?"

"i-i don't know... i-i feel like e-every time i'm there i-i'm suffocating... i-i can't be there, san..."

"hey... that's okay, you don't have to go there. do you want to call sangie or seonghwa and see if one of them can come over?"

"sangie has class..."

"and seonghwa?"

"he'll try to make me eat."

"lovebug, if he does that you can say no..."

"b-but he won't stop..."

"have you ever told him this, woo?"

the younger shook his head, sniffling.

"okay... how about this? i'll get you comfy in the practice room jongho and i are usually in and you can rest there while i'm in class."


"i'll be right down the hall, woo. if you need me you can text and i'll come to you."

"i-i— okay," wooyoung whispered, beginning to feel like san would get frustrated with him if he tried to argue.

"i'm gonna go change and finish getting ready for class, okay? you stay here," san said sweetly, kissing the boy's temple.

wooyoung nodded in response and san was on his way, quickly calling seonghwa once he got to his room.

"san? everything okay?"

"yeah... yeah, mostly. i have class soon and i know woo doesn't like being alone so i suggested seeing if you or sangie could come over since he doesn't want to go back to your place right now. he said he didn't want me to call you because he thinks you're going to make him eat..."

"i just want him healthy, san..."

"hyung... this isn't about that. i told him he's allowed to say no and he told me you won't stop... this is one of your best friends, seonghwa... he's losing trust in you because he feels like you're going to force him into an uncomfortable situation."

"san... you don't understand..."

"i understand what i've been given to work with. wooyoung doesn't want to eat, you can't force it. there are other ways to go about it that will get you the result you want."

"he almost fucking died, san. his eating disorder almost fucking killed him. i can't help it, okay? i'm so fucking scared that he's going to get to that point again."

"i promise, he's not going to. but you two need to talk about this and you need to just listen to him. after that, you tell him why you act the way you do."

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