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wooyoung and san were sitting across from each other on the ground in the boy's new room, san smiling small and playing with the boy's hands.

"so... about what i got you."


"my love... i wanted to make sure that as you spend time in here, it feels good. i want you to feel safe and not be reminded of how things felt in your old room, so i got you a couple of things."

wooyoung just stared at san, incredibly grateful that he had such a supportive boyfriend. the older reached behind him and handed wooyoung a small bag, the younger tilting his head in curiosity.

he opened the bag up and pulled out two sheet sets, which confused him.

"you had a panic attack when we went through the sheets you had while packing. that was one of the worst panic attacks you had while packing too... so i figured these might be helpful. especially since we ended up getting rid of quite a few sheet sets you had when we realized how uncomfortable they made you."

wooyoung blushed and gently took san's hand, whispering a soft "thank you".

"there's one more thing."

"san... you didn't have to."

"i wanted to, my love. remember what i said? i want you to feel safe and sound when you're in here."

wooyoung only nodded, sighing softly.

"jongho got one for sangie too... we went to build-a-bear together to make these for you two," san explained as he showed wooyoung a stuffed bear.


"and you know how you can put sounds and such in them?"


"there's a little message from me. but don't listen now, yeah? it's for when you're alone and need some comfort."

wooyoung nodded in understanding, a bright smile appearing on his face.

"i love it, sannie... thank you."

"anything for you, my love. like i said, i just wanted you to feel safe in here."

"i do... i feel so much safer already."

"i'm glad... hey, wanna go see how things are going for everyone with unpacking?"

wooyoung gave a nod and the two got up, the younger placing the gifts on his bed before they headed out of the room. san was quick to take wooyoung's hand in his own, then the two made their way to the living room to find yunho and mingi moving the couch under seonghwa's instruction.

"a little more to the right... no, not your right! go left, okay... a little more... oh! hey, woo," seonghwa greeted, momentarily forgetting about the two boys lifting the couch as he hugged the younger.

"um... hwa, my arms are going to fall off soon," mingi reminded.

"right! hmm.. just a tad to your right now, not too far... okay, perfect!"

the two boys put the couch down and sighed in relief, wooyoung giggling as he remained hugging onto seonghwa.

"how's your room coming along, honey?" seonghwa asked.

"it's good. feels nice being in there. and sannie got me some stuff to make it feel like home," wooyoung explained happily.

san smiled when wooyoung referred to his room feeling like home, truly hoping that his little gifts had helped make things feel that way. after everything the boy had gone through, he deserved that feeling.

"oh, that's awesome, baby."

"do you need any help?" wooyoung asked, stepping back from their hug to hold san's hand again.

"we should be good! thank you though, woo."

"where's joongie?"

"in my room, setting up my bed," seonghwa giggled. "he said i was stressing him out by being in there, and i can't say i blame him."

"you can get a little bossy when it comes to furniture," wooyoung joked.

"hey! i just like things a certain way."

"i knowww, i'm just messing with you. you go ahead and finish up, sannie and i will be in my room."

"did you guys put your bed together yet?"

"yep, sannie took care of it while i put my clothes in the closet and such!"

"good... go rest, yeah?"

wooyoung nodded, squeezing san's hand before the two left the room, waving to the three boys.

"doing okay, my love?" san asked softly as they made their way back to wooyoung's room.

"mhmm... just a little overwhelmed right now. remembered how many people are here helping us today and it just freaked me out a little. just... y'know, the amount of support? it can be too much."

san nodded, gently pulling the younger into bed and into his arms.

"well now, it's just us. you and me, right here. and we can stay here as long as you'd like," san exclaimed softly.

wooyoung smiled small and nodded, whispering a soft "okay" to the older before snuggling into the feeling of the boy's arms being around him.

"thank you, sannie..."

"always, my love."

just a lil filler chapter while i finish up with finals <3

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