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because of how things had played out on his birthday, wooyoung had opted to open the lovely gifts from his friends a couple of days later with san by his side. san had happily agreed, wanting to be there when the boy opened his gift anyways.

san and wooyoung had just arrived back to wooyoung's apartment after their classes had ended, laying down together for a bit before the younger actually started opening anything.

"i'm scared," he admitted quietly.

"scared? why, what's up?"

"feel like i'm going to get overwhelmed..."

"baby... it's okay. if you need to take breaks, that's perfectly fine. if you feel overwhelmed, tell me and we'll make it feel better. okay?"

wooyoung nodded, leaning into san a bit more and kissing the boy's neck lightly.

"okay... thank you."

wooyoung hadn't told san much about why he hated his birthday, just that it had to do with his ex. he didn't tell him about how it seemed as though his ex especially tried to make his birthdays hell, or that he hadn't received a single present during those couple of years. minhyung had kept it from being possible.

so the fact that wooyoung was getting gifts again? that was an overwhelming feeling in itself. he was grateful, but he was so unsure of how he would react when he opened his gifts, and it was entirely because of that.

"sannie? can you choose what gift i open first?"

"sure, lovebug. do you want to start now or do you want to wait a few more minutes?"

"start now, please?"

"of course~"

san pressed a kiss to wooyoung's temple and got up, bringing all the gifts closer to them and then choosing one for the boy to open.

"looks like mingi, maybe?" san guessed.

wooyoung carefully opened the card first, finding it was indeed from mingi. it was a silly card, one that made wooyoung giggle as he read through it. san smiled at this, kissing the boy's temple again.

after reading through the card, he passed it over to san and started opening the package, finding a cute kirby hoodie inside. he gasped at the pretty pink hoodie, with tie dyed sleeves and one of the cutest kirby pictures he had ever seen printed on it.

"ah, min..." he said softly. "he always tells me i look like kirby."

"in a way, you kind of do, woo."


"how are you feeling, my love?"

"grateful... a little overwhelmed? but... yeah."

san nodded, gently taking the younger's hand and giving it a squeeze.

"wanna keep going?"

"mm... yes. i think so."

the two got through yunho and jongho's presents with ease, but as soon as wooyoung started reading the card from hongjoong, he broke down.


happy birthday woo~~ i'm so happy to be celebrating with you. you've gone through a lot these past couple of years, but i'm so proud of you for being so strong throughout all of this. i know healing is hard, but you've been doing so well and i'm so glad. our sunshine is finally coming out from behind the clouds and i'm so happy about that.

i love you so much, sunshine <3

"baby... hey, what's wrong?"


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