- forty three -

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as soon as the boys set foot into the apartment, wooyoung pulled san into yeosang's room. he was truly drained, and feeling a bit hopeless despite the praise he had received from his friends.

"woo, baby," san spoke softly, recognizing the empty look in the boy's eyes.


"my love... come here, come close."

wooyoung cuddled into san's arms and the older kissed his head, making sure to surround him in the feeling of comfort.

"look at me," san whispered.

wooyoung looked up at the older, a bit confused and curious about what he was looking to say. instead he was met by san's lips on his own, initiating a kiss filled with passion and love. wooyoung felt like he was floating. being in love with san was incredible.

"i love you, woo. now, you need to get some rest, yeah?"

wooyoung nodded, nuzzling his nose against san's chest.

"i love you too, sannie."

san smiled small at this, then guided the boy to lay down. he knew the boy was feeling disappointed and would do anything to make things feel a bit easier.



"thank you..."

"always, angel. try to rest, okay? and when you wake up we can celebrate."

wooyoung gave another nod and closed his eyes, staying as close as possible to san, hoping that it would let him rest peacefully. the older hummed softly, helping the boy in his arms fall asleep.

as the time passed by, san kept his eyes on wooyoung, memorizing every detail of the boy's face and the way he slept. he pressed soft kisses to the boy's skin from time to time, keeping his embrace secure.

it was a couple hours later when yeosang knocked on the door, san inviting the boy in.

"he looks so peaceful..." yeosang whispered.

"he does... is everyone here?"

"yunho and mingi are on their way, but i figured i would come let you know so you can work on getting woo awake."

"thanks, sangie. we'll be out soon, yeah?"

yeosang nodded, smiling small and then leaving the room.

it was then that san gently starting trying to wake wooyoung up, starting by pressing soft kisses all over the boy's face.

"wooyoung, my love... it's time to get up," san spoke softly, pushing the boy's hair back.

wooyoung groaned softly, san continuing to press soft kisses to his skin.

"hi, love..."


"yeah... i'm here, baby. how are you doing? did you sleep okay?"

"mm... slept good. felt nice being in your arms," wooyoung muttered softly.

san smiled brightly, cupping the boy's cheek gently.

"i'm glad, woo. yunho and mingi are on their way over here, do you want to get changed or anything?"

"i'm okay... just wanna lay here a bit longer."

"alright, but not too much longer, okay? i told sangie we'd be coming out soon."

wooyoung nodded, nuzzling into san's chest a bit and sighing contently. san continued to tend to the boy, brushing through his hair and softly kissing his skin until the younger giggled.

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