- seventeen -

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for whatever reason, this semester was much harder for wooyoung than the last. he found himself leaving classes early more often than not, crying in the bathrooms and not wanting to leave yeosang and seonghwa's sides when they had different classes.

san knew that wooyoung was struggling too based on the shorter texts and how he seemed to keep more to himself. he knew that something was wrong, but he didn't know how to help, so he was quick to reach out to yeosang.

hey yeosang :) i noticed
that woo hasn't really been
himself lately, is everything
okay?? i'm worried

i wish i knew :( he won't tell
us anything, he just clings
to us and tells us he can't
do it.. i was hoping he had
reached out to you honestly :/

he hasn't :( what time are
you guys done classes today??
i can come over & try to
talk to him if that's okay

we'll be back at our place
around 4!! and please do,
i think seeing you will help

i'll be there around 5 then :)
my last class finishes at
4:30, i'll stop at my place &
then head over to yours

plan to stay the night if you
can and you're comfortable
with that, woo hasn't been
sleeping well & i know the
times he's slept over at yours
he's slept better

sounds good, i'll see you later

thank you san

san smiled small and turned off his phone, preparing himself for his next class of the day, which he had with jongho. the day dragged on, but soon, the two boys were back in their dorm and san was getting ready to head over to see wooyoung.

"yeosang texted me and told me you're staying the night with them, everything okay?" jongho asked, standing in the doorway to san's room.

"we don't know... woo won't tell yeosang or seonghwa anything..."

"poor woo... he doesn't deserve this."

"i just want him to feel better... he's been through so much and having to live in fear isn't fair to him."

"i know, it's awful... but san?"


"remember you need to take care of yourself too, yeah? i know you love being able to take care of other people, but you need to make yourself a priority too."

san froze for a moment, thinking about jongho's words, then he nodded.

"thank you, jjong... i needed the reminder."

"i've seen you at your best and at your worst, san. i know when you need these reminders," jongho smiled small.

"i'm glad you do," san whispered.

"now go on and get out of here, yeah? i know you want to see woo."

san nodded again, zipping up his bag and putting it over his shoulders.

"i'll see you tomorrow, jjong."

"see you, san~"

ten minutes later, yeosang was letting san into their apartment and bringing him to wooyoung's door.

"hey, youngie?" yeosang called out softly.


"i have a present for you... can i come in?"

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