- eighteen -

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tw / weight, body shaming, eating disorder, mentions of abuse

san was staying the night with wooyoung again a few weeks later, the boy having had a rough week and needing a bit of comfort. wooyoung had stayed the night at san's a couple of days earlier, having been too paranoid to even set foot in his own apartment that day. he was doing a bit better than when the semester first started, but was having bad days quite often.

"s-san?" wooyoung asked quietly, his head on the older's chest.


"nothing... i-i just wanted to make sure you weren't asleep yet."

"you know me, woo... i won't be going to sleep until i know you're asleep."

"i know, i-i know... you just seemed a bit tired today, so i wanted to make sure," wooyoung admitted, snuggling further into san's embrace.

"ahh, i see... something on your mind?"

"kind of..."

"you know i'm all ears if you want to talk about it, bub. but it's okay if you don't want to. sound good?"

"thank you," wooyoung whispered.

"anything for you~"

wooyoung smiled slightly at this, leaning up and kissing san's jaw since he couldn't reach much higher and get to his cheek. san smiled at this, leaning down and kissing wooyoung's forehead.

"we should probably get some dinner soon," san suggested.

"i'm not hungry," wooyoung quickly answered.

"woo... are you sure?"

"yeah..." wooyoung muttered, avoiding eye contact with san.

"you barely ate anything when we got lunch either... is something going on?"

"um... k-kind of... maybe?"

"it's okay if you don't want to tell me everything right now, but is there anything i can do to help you?"

"i-i'm not sure... i-i just feel like... i don't know, really..."

"you don't have to know, okay? i figured i'd ask anyways, because i know sometimes you have something in mind."

wooyoung nodded, and then he felt a sting in the back of his head and whimpered.

"no, no, no... please, no..." wooyoung whimpered, trying to fight the painful memories that started to flood his mind.

"woo... bub, what's wrong? what hurts?"

"h-head... b-back of h-head... o-ow," wooyoung cried out, grabbing onto his head. "p-please!"

san could tell that whatever memory was running through wooyoung's mind was worse than the average one, and he also knew he had to act quickly.

"wooyoung, hey... sannie's here, okay? can i have your hands please? sannie's going to look at your head and make it all better," he cooed softly, gently reaching towards wooyoung's hands.

"sannie... m-make it stop... m-make him stop h-hurting me," wooyoung sobbed.

"shh... it's okay, woo. i'm here."

san carefully took wooyoung's hands in his own, then leaned forward and started to press gentle kisses to wooyoung's head. he whispered soft words of affirmation to the younger in between kisses, wooyoung's cries beginning to quiet. it wasn't long before the two sat in silence, wooyoung clinging to san's body and taking shaky breaths.

"does it still hurt?" san asked softly.

"a-a little..."

san nodded, kissing the top of the boy's head again.

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